VM fic: Preordained 1/3 (Logan/Veronica) R

Apr 01, 2010 02:24

Title: Preordained 1/3
Author: love_is_epic
Rating: R
Characters: Logan/Veronica, Duncan, various ensemble
Word count: 2229
Disclaimer: Right. Like if they were mine, I’d be writing fanfic. I’d be writing a movie, baby, and making darn sure they made it! : )
Warnings: Harsh language and sexual situations
Spoilers: All of season one.

Summary: ( Read more... )

veronica, duncan, vm_fic, logan/veronica, logan, writing, fic: preordained

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Comments 15

afrocurl April 1 2010, 07:46:34 UTC
I feel proud that I read this quickly so I can sleep, but DAMN R! Why did you have to go with this prompt? This so far, is going to kill me, I assume.

Firstly, you've left Logan so broken years later, and that HURTS, but Veronica is a hard-ass and not phased by any of Logan's cryptic comments.


medjunkie April 1 2010, 09:15:30 UTC
Intriguing, why 12 years later by the way? I am sure that LoVe goodness will ensue, I always look forward to that as you know. I wonder what they will hve in common, what will bond them? Maybe just a love of Lilly Kane, or maybe something else?


isdon_isgood9 April 1 2010, 11:23:53 UTC
Hmmmm hate you? Never! As long as you bring on the rest of this fic fast, lol.

I like it. I'm very glad you've posted the begining. I really can't wait to see the end and it's 11 o'clock at night here and I don't really have much else to say except bring on more cause I can't wait to see what you do with it.



celtic_flicka April 1 2010, 13:00:36 UTC
I love AUs where one small change in the events (the Kanes and Marses find out about the affair earlier) make a huge difference in how events turn out later. This is a fun exploration of that, because the adult Veronica and Logan are still pretty similar to the characters we know, even though they weren't in each other's lives until now. I'm looking forward to finding out why!


stephanierb April 1 2010, 15:51:55 UTC

I'm intrigued. Slightly grossed out by an 11 year old Veronica having a boyfriend (way too young), but I understand why it was necessary - so she would move before ever meeting Logan and have an emotional connection with Duncan.

I like how you've written the characters. Looking forward to the next part!


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