in short the punishment to be an illegal in the us is less than the Tyranny of living in central America.. even if they get shot on the border.. they lived trying to pursue a fairer life..
shouldn't we be going as a country that likes putting our nose in every thing be going why is that? why is granny trying to run miles and swim threw a river of death.. just to try and live here..
so even as the fact of people willing to be hunted on this land they find solace here compared to there says something is really bad.
the title of illegal just means they never had the chance to come up with thousands and thousands for the paper work to say they live here..
like i'm sure job hunting even with paperwork isn't hard for them ether..
the "economy" also depends on cheap labor and falsified papers to get things done for nothing
as the US is a stronghold of nosy paperwork that you have to suffer its public racist camps called school to even know how to fill out its paper trail of suffocating death..
i feel we're just as much the victim..
i mean there isn't anything more bs then letting them convince you of the lines they draw and making people fight themselves. i guess that's why our friends are even as we speak being shipped to Iraq instead of being part of the community and fixing things here first..
maybe the government is too chicken to shake down the people that charge to bring people here anyway and their just sad they never got the cut..
so lets talk about something i've been witness of growing up in Denver..
Baby born in the US
baby was born in the middle of mom and dad trying to save baby's and their own lives crossing the border.
baby if passes all school tests gets to be a citizen if pasts all the test given to baby growing up.
baby's parents are not aloud to even apply for citizens.. ! Father get imprisoned and killed in jail for not being legal here because he was trying to get the process of making sure his child is safe in the US.
child gets to stay with grandmother.. mother is missing, child still has to pass tests to be accepted..
my classmate passed her tests but she still didn't have her father and she didn't talk of her mother being found or safe.. last i hear she was fighting not to become a government foster child..
but its a good thing that she was Born on this Side of the fence
that makes all the difference i guess
and lets forbid if the government ever lied to people.. because that could never happen..
i mean what do they expect to accomplish..
if they make all the illegals go away.. with the Rich White man Make his Snobby Rich Sun Finally Mow his Own Damn lawn?
if Mexico's borders are closed should we be worried that there are too many illegal Canadian's rushing in too?
Wasn't the Census Racist Enough?
do you know what the government calls chunks of land they put people they don't like calling a people or like giving rights to but they kinda have to?
Reservations ring any bells?
I don't think its fair we pay for closed mindedness
i don't think its fair we kick out the bleeding
i don't think its fair we suffer others stupidity and hate
I don't think the "economy" will do any better spending time, money, and focus hunting down the poor and turning this own country against itself.
hope you don't hate me for the size or contents
but its your right and your choice
wish things was better and we could just work on how we all need to keep farming and cycle water and explore space.. and dream dreams..