that is a freakishly bad picture.
mhm. bff fo sho.
my wife, hata <3
haha i love these kids.
so i was there saturday night & sunday night. melissa took me saturday. hung out with molly & erica, melissa, erika, shanna, brittany, jeremy, sean, a shitload of people i suppose. it was fun. we were breakin it down on the dance floor. sunday brittany took me, with lisa, tessa and yeah. it was okayy that night. not as fun as saturday. umm yeah sunday i shared a sucker with dillon reed. he's hott & stuff. lol kellie. i rolled down the hill & got all wet. it was cool i suppose. sunday early afternoon kyle also came over, we started watching a movie, but i turned it off because i have a short attention span and i was really bored. hah. soo yeah we didnt do anything. and he came over monday too for a little while to pick up that movie cuz he forgot it at my house. tuesday was school right? yeah. ummm lets think here. advanced algebra is stupid. lang and lit is stupid. world history is dumb. lunch was really entertaining. matt was flicking corn at the ceiling. we're immature. we did a lab in bio. i was partners with rj. that kid is amazing. spanish is stupid. choir is stupid. hah gym was fun. don't ask, long story.
today was alright i guess. i woke up late so it sucked, i looked like shit, but whatev. took the bus this morning, freshman take up the whole effing thing. whatever. and then yeah advanced algebra, is really boring now that i think about it. lang and lit was boring today too, i was zoned out the whole class. world history was dumb. even lunch was dumb today. biology we did another lab - with rob. haha. spanish was lame. choir - "can we trade freshman?" haha. yeah it was okay. gym was lame too. actually these classes were probably cool, im just not in a good mood.
it's my bestfriends birthday today.
so happy birthday sean. ilyyyyy.
&& happy birthday to bobby too.
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