Title: Vampires Do It Better
love_joongiePairing: Yunjae, Yoosu, maybe Jaemin in the future.
Genre: Action, Humour, Romance, and random stupid
Plot: Inspired by the novel “Bloodthirsty” by Flynn Meany. Mostly just for the first couple chapters though… You should read it! SUPER FUNNY!
Length: Chaptered
Rating: PG, might go up to 13 later… but who can predict
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Comments 19
Don't know if you're sleepy or you really slight drunk when you write yunjae's drunk scene hahahaha, it is a drunk conversation...
I need to pinch JJ's cheek for being so blank about gay... He is Gay if he likes Yunho's tounge kisses!! And why Changmin wanna be JJ's first? It was claimeds by Yoochun since their youngest time trololololol!!!
The way Yunho describes his feeling for JJ is so adorable ^^
Changmin watching porn while picked up the phone?? Eeewwww!!! That's gross (where is his hand before placed? Hahahaha)
And finally.... Yoochun shows up... He's appearances is so sweet kkkk...
Gonna be so interesting!!!
Le waits for your update <333
Thank you for the awesome spot and for the drunk convo... It's make some points clear (threesome???) Hahahaha!!!
Btw, can you grant Changmin's wish? Just once is OK, fufufu...^^
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