Title: Vampires Do It Better
love_joongiePairing: Yunjae, Yoosu, maybe Jaemin in the future.
Genre: Action, Humour, Romance, and random stupid
Plot: Inspired by the novel “Bloodthirsty” by Flynn Meany. Mostly just for the first couple chapters though… You should read it! SUPER FUNNY!
Length: Chaptered
Rating: PG, might go up to 13 later… but who can predict
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Comments 19
I want zeee YUNJAE!!!! *grrrr* D
But the dream was really unexpected...gee IDK but cotton candy land and Yunho wrapped in cotton candy sounds...yummy...but also gay (no offence)
oh and I think it depends on a person whether they are coherent or not. Some people can even be much smarter when they are drunk but later they don't remember a thing they've said.
I just hope that both Yunho and Jae will remember everything they did...*sigh* It just breaks my heart watching Yunho sad cause Jae is so clueless...
jae is...terribly oblivious to everything around him. hurry up and wake up so you can figure out you crush on yunho!
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