
Aug 02, 2005 19:29

This is my living funeral

Comment what you'd say to me (at my funeral) if I Were to die

(not that I'm planning on it or anything, but i think this is a neat idea)

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Comments 7

anonymous August 6 2005, 23:38:07 UTC
Lindsey... first of all i don't know what i would do if you died. id never be the same again.. I'd say you could always make me smile.. Because you were always smiling. Anything youd say was something happy or silly. You were one of my best and truest friends.. youre a beautiful person with a beautiful heart and i love you so much. id never ever forget you.
<3 always,


love_live_learn August 8 2005, 21:45:13 UTC
Thank you all, oh so much!


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