AMERICANIdIoT273: brb gotta take garbage out
steph022545: oh no, not again
Auto response from AMERICANIdIoT273: © You know what I want? Just once I want to be someones reason for waking up, someones reason for going through another day, just one time I want to be the one being wished for, the one who makes a guy say, "I'm so lucky to have her."©
steph022545: i fear for your life while you're out among the dumpster
steph022545: it's scary out there all alone, with smelly garbage
steph022545: it really makes you think about life...and why you're here
steph022545: omg, come back before i call 911
steph022545: oh wow. your life is in danger cuz the dumpster wants to eat you
steph022545: haha
steph022545: i'm sooo funny
steph022545: lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
steph022545: i think the dumpster ate you
steph022545: please come back before i have a duck
steph022545: i can't live without you
steph022545: lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala....I'M WAITING
steph022545: i'm gonna call 911 to get you out...we'll perform the heimlich on the dumpster to make it throw you up
steph022545: :-\
steph022545: wow, if a dumpster threw up it'd be kinda nasty wouldn't you say??
steph022545: lol...i'm sooo bored
steph022545: that's why i keep sending messages even tho you're away
steph022545: didn't you love love love my sunglasses?
steph022545: would you please come back
steph022545: i'm worried
steph022545: omg, you just went idle
steph022545: you've been gone too long for garbage
steph022545: ahhh
steph022545: i can't live without youuuuuu
steph022545: 13 minutes...you've been gone 13 minutes...
steph022545: hehe, you like my messages?
AMERICANIdIoT273: I love you so much!
steph022545: i know, but I LOVE YOU MOREEEEEE
AMERICANIdIoT273: nope
sdjdrummergal88: maria, ur my reason for waking up everyday
AMERICANIdIoT273: Sarah you are my reason for waking up every reason!!!
AMERICANIdIoT273: i think htat should go in your profile like yours did in mine
sdjdrummergal88: aww, that means a lot, i guess we were meant for eachother
AMERICANIdIoT273: yes we were meant to be best friends...
sdjdrummergal88: lol, i dont know how to put it in there, i cant copy/paste
AMERICANIdIoT273: do contl+c
sdjdrummergal88: is that copy or paste, b/c i can copy, but not paste
AMERICANIdIoT273: right click
sdjdrummergal88: k, h/o
sdjdrummergal88: ok, look
AMERICANIdIoT273: u have to do it again it doesn't sound right
AMERICANIdIoT273: Sarah you are my reason for waking up every morning!!!
AMERICANIdIoT273: k good haha
sdjdrummergal88: lol
sdjdrummergal88: i like that, it is like a whole new world now
sdjdrummergal88: that's amazing
AMERICANIdIoT273: haha
sdjdrummergal88: it really is, i'm sure u were excited when u found out ab it too
AMERICANIdIoT273: sure...
AMERICANIdIoT273: it was whole new life revolution for Sarah when she found out how to copy n paste
sdjdrummergal88: lol, to my profile it was
AMERICANIdIoT273: yes indeed it did
AMERICANIdIoT273: what's up homie G?
ferriman87: no u don't put homie and G together
ferriman87: they just don't mix
AMERICANIdIoT273: okay...what is up Homie M
ferriman87: no u say what up home dawg or what up my homie
AMERICANIdIoT273: oh okay thanks for my gangster lesson for today!
ferriman87: no prob
ferriman87: anytime
AMERICANIdIoT273: what about home slice?
AMERICANIdIoT273: does that work?
ferriman87: yea
AMERICANIdIoT273: okay so what about my raps? I need to show them to ya one day they are tight and straight up black yo
ferriman87: yea..........
I love these guys...