Well, here's another job option for me: Giving up. I guess that may sound shocking, but look at it this way: In this area, the vast majority of our incomes go toward housing. So if I stay here and don't pay rent, why would I need more than the most minimal employment? Because I need something to do with my days, but HERE'S THE THING-- there
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Comments 7
Well, the Second Harvest job posting will prolly be there for a while, and my sister has a friend that's been in the nonprofit sector for a long time and could also probably help you out if you wanted some advice or maybe some leads. Also, it sounds hokey, but alumni networks from your college are often good sources.
Peace Core? I kinda wanna do it, but it's a long commitment.. not sure I'd be cut out for it.
I agree with you about knowing people. In fact, I've heard it's the only way to get a job now. I guess by "giving up" I mean giving up on what I've done before, which is applying to countless jobs, none of which want to hire me (except VISTA, but technically I'm a volunteer). If someone I know wants to hire me to do something I'd actually want to do in 1,000 years, then I say great.
I've looked into Peace Corps, but I don't want to do it. It bothers me how you can't choose the country you're going to. It seems like you have to work by yourself with very little support, which wouldn't be good for me. ALSO (rant coming!) I'm sick of the government trying to get people to volunteer for them when they're spending billions of dollars on stupid wars. They say that we're "understanding our communities better" by being poor but I call bullshit :-)
Okay, that was a long comment.
I think to some extent, getting into most things worth getting into is about connections. Even college apps - getting recs from teachers: connections with your teachers get you a better rec. Anyways, I'll keep any eye out for you if i see anything. :)
Yah, gov't is kind of disappointing (have you heard about that assemblyman from the OC? for some of the more explicit things he said read up at here ), and I've heard that people who go work for hte gov't might start out enthusiastic, but then very quickly get jaded. I think.. I still have some ingrained faith in the gov't tho. Yes, they go wrong and do bad, but fortunately for us, they've never gone incredibly bad and driven the country to bits like some in Africa and other messy places. I just try to ( ... )
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