Tutorial #3 - Twilight

May 06, 2008 18:45


requested by sheeka54

We'll be recreating this icon from this batch using Adobe Photoshop.
I tried to get it as much alike as the original icon that I've created.

Coloring very much inspired by thatlldopig and this amazing tutorial which introduced me to the wonderfulness that is 'Variations'.

01) I took this screencap (my own) and resized it to 500px width

02) now go to Image > Adjustments > Variations
click on 'More Yellow', then on 'More Red' and hit OK

03) duplicate your base and set the new layer to soft light 100%

04) on the same layer go to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen

05) merge all layers, select all, copy and paste your image into a new 100x100 canvas

06) move your layer around until you find an interesting crop

07) go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels
set the settings for Input Levels like this:
0 / 0,98 / 246

08) go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance
in Midtones use the following setting:
+10 / +4 / -11

09) now create a new layer
on that layer take your Brush Tool, use a simple dot with Master Diameter 19px, set color to white and simply draw two lines (see below)

10) now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur
set Radius to 9,7pixels and hit Ok

And you're done!

Let me know if you have any questions.

Note: I used different settings throughout the original batch, adding more color balance layers, selective color layers, textures, etc, so these settings won't work on every cap.

tutorials, ! janine83

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