o my, im going to a wedding Saturday! how exciting! hehheeh
om really looking forward to seeing the whole wedding thing!
i like a woman when i comes to weddings! i really love them! and the fact everyone is looking there best! like all of my church is going, which is really grand to see, lots of lovely ppl! and to dance with! ;-)
i have all this money! (loan day!) and for the first time i don't know how to spend it...
i think because over the last few months i have been trying not to spend anything! so that i could live! lol, and ive got use to it! so i just dont know how to spend it! lol
i totally recommend going on random cycle trips to random places you dont know!
cycle to the location then cycle around it, visiting near by towns in tourist attractions, then cycling back! (or if your lazy like me, just get the train back! lol)
we went up some ace hill(mountains) and down at sum fab speeds, must have reached 30-40ish! wahay!