Online Workshop. Details behind the cut.
The Great Unbinding: A Journey toward our True Nature
February 9 - March 9, 2011
Online Intensive
The Great Unbinding is an opportunity to release what stands in the way of our Wisdom. Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, was required to relinquish her powers before entering the realms of transformation. The Twins must wrestle and commune for Wholeness to arise.
What deep-seated false knowledge are you carrying around? What fear is so large it eclipses your view of wonder? What belief so entrenched, what shame so insidious it obstructs pleasure? What guilt so ingrained it blinds you to your own glory?
Are you ready to shed your false perceptions, projections, reflections, rejections?
Offer yourself the Valentine’s gift of Self Awareness and Love.
And in your state of Original Innocence, step forward into the milky-blue light of God Herself so she might shine into you her magic, compassion and unconditional love. There, take your rightful place among the Awakened, the Seeking, the Blessed, the Christed, the Wise, the Hallowed, the Divine.
Shine forth. Let Wisdom eclipse what we think we are certain of. Let that which is no longer needed slip away. Make room for your own expansion. Let us enter once more into Innocence and Wonder coupled with Wisdom and Power. Let us receive the kiss we long for with our whole lives. Let it begin.
Really, it is a simple choice: Shall we remain cloaked in fear, clinging to what we think we know? Or shall we unbind and unveil ourselves-revealing our Humanity, Wildness and Divinity to, for and in Love?
The intensive will involve discussion, poetry, music, movement, breathwork, artwork, silence, stillness and ritual. Expect more practice than theory and more ecstatic experience than intellectual exploration.
This five week intensive takes place online. You do not need to be present at a particular time to attend class. Class work notes and assignments are posted weekly on Wednesday evenings to an online classroom. You complete the assigned work, check in on the forums and converse with other students and myself there.
Fixed Sliding Scale: $69, $88 or $106 payable in advance with registration by February 6.
To register, visit my website, and click on Current Offerings.