You know I love you but you have to understand that I love Adam too and I can't just do what one person wants. I tried my best to find neutral grounds but for some reason that's not working. If you two don't get along, fine. Just don't talk to each other. But when Adam is mad at me because I tell you too much stuff and you're upset with me because in order to make Adam happy, I tell you less stuff, then what the fuck am I supposed to do?
How am I supposed to keep you both happy? If I tell you everthing then you know everything. Durh. But then that also means Adam's pissed. I can't just not tell you anything because you're my best friend and he knows that. I told him that you're always going to be a part of my life so he better get used to it.
I love you both in equal but separate ways. I'm not going "choose sides". There's not much more I can do other than what I've told you, which I thought would keep you both satisfied. I'm sorry if I hurt you and I hate that I have.
Don't choose sides. Do what you feel is right, and i'll accept it any way, even if i do get hurt.
the way it came across was that you can't tell me things because it makes him unhappy. it's unfair that two friends have to censor themselves because of a third party that gets their feelings hurt. as much as i don't like him, i don't want to cause a greater rift than there is between you two. so you do what you feel is necessary. i'll love you unconditionally.
i just took a shower and thought about all of this and i've come to the conclusion that i guess what i really mean is that i'm afraid to lose my best friend.
i know you say that i'll always be a part of your life no matter what, but i can't shake that gut-wrenching feeling that i'm going to lose you. That's that last thing i'd ever want. and by me and you not being able to be completely honest with each other i felt like it was just one step closer to that. and i'm sorry that i made you upset, and believe me i'm not upset with you. if anything i'm just scared.
Comments 3
How am I supposed to keep you both happy? If I tell you everthing then you know everything. Durh. But then that also means Adam's pissed. I can't just not tell you anything because you're my best friend and he knows that. I told him that you're always going to be a part of my life so he better get used to it.
I love you both in equal but separate ways. I'm not going "choose sides". There's not much more I can do other than what I've told you, which I thought would keep you both satisfied. I'm sorry if I hurt you and I hate that I have.
Tell me what to do.
Do what you feel is right, and i'll accept it any way, even if i do get hurt.
the way it came across was that you can't tell me things because it makes him unhappy. it's unfair that two friends have to censor themselves because of a third party that gets their feelings hurt. as much as i don't like him, i don't want to cause a greater rift than there is between you two. so you do what you feel is necessary. i'll love you unconditionally.
i know you say that i'll always be a part of your life no matter what, but i can't shake that gut-wrenching feeling that i'm going to lose you. That's that last thing i'd ever want. and by me and you not being able to be completely honest with each other i felt like it was just one step closer to that. and i'm sorry that i made you upset, and believe me i'm not upset with you. if anything i'm just scared.
i love you
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