I'm just...dead. That was one fine emotion overload, people...and I don't really know where to start - two days after watching the movie and one day after reading the book my head is still full of incoherent thoughts and million various emotions.
Ok, I know that the first rule says not to talk about Fight Club so let's just pretend this post doesn't exist. So - when the movie ended I turn off my tv and sat there in silence and complete darkness for at least five minutes just staring at tv screen. I was in a state of shock, believe me. I mean, yeah, I was expecting it to be good and you know what? It was brilliant...and so fucking disturbing (Closer doesn't even get close...um, did it sound funny?).
I did something I rarely do - I watched a movie first and then read a book, which in 90 per cent of cases is very close to crime to me. Not in this one because man, so much love. I wasn't a big fan of Edward Norton before but right now he's like god to me. Ok, maybe not god but you get it. The way he played Jack - it was something, you know? It left me speechless. I loveloveLOVE his voice-overs, especially the insomnia part - With insomnia, nothing is real. Everything is far away. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy. I'm obsessed with that part and as soon as I heard it, I knew I'd love the movie. Even with the creepy beginning, going to meetings and watch dying people crying to feel better, I knew I'd love it. I didn't understand why he did it but I thought about it and it all seems clearer to me now but I still think I need to watch the movie at least 3 times more to understand what was happening in Jack's head. And let's not forget about waking up in different places part - You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at O'Hare, Dallas-Fort Worth, BWI. Pacific, mountain, central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Air Harbor International. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? Copy of a copy of a copy of a...
If you asked me about all my fav parts, I'd have to memorize half of the dialogue.
Jack is one of the best movie characters ever created. Brad Pitt did great as well. His Tyler was intelligent, crazy, unpredictable and funny. Dangerous and sexy. Lethal and mysterious. Dedicated. Unforgettable.
I think I'm becoming addicted to the movie. It's atmosphere, darkness, its colours. Also, even without a few very good scenes, it still stays close to the book. Let me just say that Chuck Palahniuk is a freaking genius. The "I am Jack's broken heart" parts reminded me a bit about
The God of Small Things, I'm a huge fan of this kind of writing. And I like that there sometimes is no continuity, that we skip some scenes only to return to them later. Or earlier. Lose an hour, gain an hour. It makes the story feel slightly less possible, in a good way of course.
And I like how Marla's character is developed in the book because she's just so awesome. The book helped me in better understanding of Marla/Jack relationship. When I watched the movie, 'toxic' was the first (and for a long time the only) word that I thought of when I wanted to describe these two. Hate, fear, pain, tension, longing, it was all fo wonderfully fucked up that it was almost too much for me. But god, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham-Carter showed all of it so good. So good. I died a little after the bridesmaid's dress scene - the look he gave her after she left? Shiiiit. Anyway, in the book it's all slowly developed and we get some priceless moments (Marla talking about her ex boyfriends? Or Jack saying be may like her a little? Aw, so awesome). Marla and Jack own me, together or not.
Oh oh and the ending - how good the last lines were? With the hand holding and staring and disappearing buildings? Damn. Still, the book ending seems to be a bit more realistic/ Uhh, I'm torn!
And finally, those 5 or 6 super secret (mostly Tyler) frames which last 1/60 of a second fucking ruled. Seriously, the idea is so perfect...dude, I really REALLY need to have this movie on DVD.
I've been listening to the soundtrack all day, yo (Kaja, I love you. You predicted it or what?!) and it rules, too. I already know
Pixies - Where is my mind by heart.
In conclusion - hands down, it's fucking love. (and it's the longest post ever, thank you very much)
they're kind of dark and green and it's all been done on purpose, I wanted them to fit to the movie.
...now spam me with thoughts/comments/pics/links/everything because I feel like I need to talk about it or I'll explode ;)
psst - how to make my LJ name smaller? Cause I can't find it anywhere in the code and it looks awful like this :/