Guys, I think I have a new OTP! No, seriously - I watched all 16 episodes of S5 of Grey's Anatomy - twice now - and I'm so obsessed with Owen/Cristina and Owen Hunt himself! He's such a solid, complex, strong character, I just love everything about him. And he's so sexy
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Comments 58
And I'm sad that I have no Cristina/Owen icons to use right now...
I cannot stop rewatching my favorite Owen/Cistina scenes, especially the vent one and the "see me" one, they're perfect <3
I love how their relationship is being handled right now - slowly, wisely, without rushing anything, with great complexity. And their chemistry is o intense, too! I can't wait for more.
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All the repeats in 5x15 didn't bug me that much, it looked how he desperately wanted her to understand his actions and feelings - and it looked real and sincere, I loved that scene.
As for 5x16 I have to agree. It wa random, maybe a bit out of character and def too quick, but also kinda adorable. He's always dropping bombs out of nowhere at her: "I think you're beautiful", "would you like to go on a date with me" and now 40 years from now. It's adorable because he's so straightforward about these things and she never knows how to react :)
Pojawienie się Owena w tym serialu dużo dało. A Cristina/Owen- <3 Przy Owenie Christina się zmienia i to tylko na plus. Ma na nią dobry wpływ ;) I ta chemia między nimi, Chciałabym żeby ktoś taki się pojawił w moim życiu.
Owen: You're missing my point. I want to be around 40 years from now.
Uśmiechałam się wtedy sama do siebie :)
Może byś zrobiła trochę ikonek z nimi???
Hmm no postaram się, zobaczymy co da się zrobić!
Zgadzam się z Tobą odnośnie tego co napisałaś w komentarzu do osoby wyżej. Też mi się podoba, że Owen jest taki bezpośredni i prosto z mostu mówi to co czuje. Żadnego owijania w bawełnę, jakiś głupich podchodów, tylko: pójdziemy na randkę? itp.
Postaraj sie, postaraj bo na pewno wyjdą świetne ;)
No wlasnie to jest w nim fajne, ze o wszystkim mowi bardzo otwarcie i bez kombinowania - chce chegos (lub kogos hehe), po prostu o tym mowi i juz :)
I didn't have high expectations about the new season when it started. I always loved meredith and cristina but i wasn't convinced that it was worth it to watch the season. But thank god that i watch it. since the beggining, i love owen. he's such a complex character. For me one of the best moments was when he said that she was beautiful. In that moment, i died and went to heaven! LOL
Also, mark/lexie!! are so cute together. i never thought i would have enjoyed so much watching them. they are such an adorable couple and finally mark is having a storyline in the show!! :D
I'm thinking about making a Mark/Lexie picspam as well, they're really adorable together. She's a genuinely nice person and he's so in love with her - it's crazy that Mark Sloan has feelings for someone! ;)
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