It's Triple F again! a.k.a. Friday Fun Fuck! Today's shower treat was absolutely delllicious :) see my icon? See? See? Can it get sexier?! Mrrrrrooowwwwl. And next week(end) I'll get my DVDs :))) by Valentine's Day !!!! at least! MWAAAAAAH.
I hate V's Day. Simply because I never had a 'special one' on that day in my life, and watching happy couples ....just BAD :( Last year the most special thing was going to a McDonalds, had a chocolate muffin as a treat from my gay friend, then we were bitching about how V's Day sucks. So like that was IT. Oh and we had a fag. Bah. Oh and that day, my unrequited love returned to Japanese class. I was working hard on forgetting him for like a month or so, then he just showed up again and made my heart clench--- just awesome, I tell you. So I was head over heels AGAIN. Unrequitedly.
I hope somebody will write a Valentine ficcie over at the comm, cause like, I will totally NEED it. Though my e-mail ADMIRER showed up again, and he seems to be interested in meeting finally personally so like WOO. He seems like a cute guy, with a very fine personality, and he is sweet, so overall, am interested, but we shall see if there are any 'vibes' goin on... mmmm. That would be nice for a change; not just adoring my TRULY HOT JEDIS and actors who are like unbelievably hot, but unfortunately not available except in dreams, mayhaps...
OK I went off on that tangent again.... So it would be awesome to ... to... care for a Special Person and feel cared for... not to even mention love, which would be the goal [but of course....]
Oh but again about HJL business: Wanna do an icon with TM's most famous There is no RotS... line. And some other ones, possibly funny texts... Maybe I'll get to it this weekend (instead of going to a museum watching Japanese lacquerware... LOL)
Also, ficcie. I kinda imagine Ani dancing on a water-like surface, with bonfires/candles... or moonlight? no, I need those fires too. And he should have a golden costume. Gah, I dunno if I get it nailed down till 10 Feb. Hemm... I have a mild writer's block so it's definitely not good.