Moshi Arisa desu!
Happy Birthday Junno!
Happy Birthday Chinen!
I've been drawing a lot of JE people and my friends and I wanted to post them so here goes. They are scans and the lighting is bad so I warn you before hand.
Starting off with Kanjani 8.
The next will be my friends and JE boys.
Destiny and Yuto
Fee and Tegoshi
Me and Jin When I still liked him..
♥Me and Haru♥
Here comes my dreams:
Me and Fee getting blown away because we see...
ARASHI!!!! ((the initals point to the members))
Here is like a preview of how my drawings are:
My motto(?)lol :D
Nothing is really going on with my life right now because all there is my free 4 day weekend. :D
Ja ne~!