(no subject)

Oct 08, 2007 17:42

A Bizarre Survey

What's your name?: verity
single or taken?: single
Favorite color?: blue
Favorite food?: KFC
What one bizarre (if any) food have you ate?: i dunno
Did you like it or hate it?: meh
If you had to pick one, what would be your favorite insect?: none lady beetles
What is the one insect you are afraid of?: spiders?
Are you allergic to anything?If so What?: bee stings
When was the last time you saw a rainbow?: ages ago
Do you beleive it is God's promise to not flood the earth again?: FUCK GOD
What's your favorite zoo animal?: tigers
Do you wish on shooting stars?: of course
Have you ever seen a shooting star?: yes
What was the last book you have read?: how to teach your kids about drugs
What as a child did you want to be when you grew up?: actress
Name one goal you want to accomplish this year!: make a million
Who was your inspiration as a child?: no one
Who is your inspiration now?: myself
Name one person that has died, that you miss.: my dad
What do you miss most about them besides their presence?: searching through his car for drugs hahah
Name three things you could not live without!: phone internet computer
What is your favorite season?: winter
If you could have any one car ever made, What would it be?: HUMMER
What job do you think is the Worst Job ever?: maccas
Do you like storms?: love em
What type of weather disaster would scare you most?avalanche,hurricane, ect: earth quake
Would you rather be deaf, blind, or unable to smell and taste?: smell and taste
Can you sing our National Anthem?: yes
What about knowing the Pledge of Allegiance?: nope
Do you have a favorite number?: 8
Do you have a least favorite number?: no
Do you believe in psychics?: sure why not
What about magic?: no
What temperature are you most comfortable in?: low
Is your hair long or short?: medium
What is your choice of bed sheets? Silk, cotton, ect.: silk baby
If our Govmnt provided everyone with a home and free health care.: what about it
Would you pay more taxes if #38 were true?: sure

A brand new Finish the Sentence!

When I wake up: i check my emails
I always wish: i could fly
My favorite shoes are: my fuck off big boots
The way I feel right now: is very bored
Music is: love, love is music, music is my life and i love my life
Love makes me: wonder
I find people to be: annoying
My heart is always: beating?
Knowing everything is: awesome
Something that makes no sense is: your mum
One thing I
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