ok so i think i have some apologies to make... last night was all in good fun, maybe too much fun! anyhoo, i have no regrets but don't ever let me do that ever again please!
i'll be hanging around town tonight if anyone wants to hang, get a hold of me somehow. love, B
This sunshine afternoon was spent picking freshly riped figs, admiring autumn leaves, dancing in white picket gazeebos, taking pictures of you, reuniting with old aquaintances, marijuana and the clash
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This Indian Summer has showed up and how lovely it is to spend it half unconscious in bed. Not exactly as i planned it. i suppose, but what else would i be doing? right
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I hate you Right now and forever from this point on. You are fucking ignorant, blind to the world around you. You are the most self involved person i've ever known and for that I hate you. If ever you come back to change your views, know that you were long gone before this started. Third times a fucking hoax just like you. i fucking hate
I may have met the boy of my dreams tonight. My thoughts are not clear yet, I am in awe. I can't wait to anticipate the days. To that, I'll end my night completely impressed.
I think that i'm finally getting out of my rut that i've been in all winter. spring is coming and i think it's bringing me back to life! i'd have to say that this has been the worse winter of my life and thank god it's almost over
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