ha ha (Sufficating) Ha Ha

May 24, 2005 08:59

hey ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

hey anonymous May 26 2005, 23:46:52 UTC
hey i just read your last journal update and this guy Mike...he seems like he likes you alot and you just don't care...and it seems to be your only going out with him becauze he was crying or so called bugging you ...thats not right...if you don't love him or care for him then you should tell him and let him find someone who really does...he might cry but its better for him to cry and get on with his life then think that you really like him and be lyed to and used...its not fair for you to keep playin him...PLZ DON'T BREAK BREAK HIS HEART AGAIN........................


Re: hey loveforsaker_89 May 31 2005, 14:07:48 UTC
hey whoever this is um... thanks for the sorry advise but my life is already messed up as it is. dealing with a friends that is gone for half of the summer and anothermad at me because of this stupid crap that I got myself into. it's going to take more than a miracle to take care of this. And on top of everything else we just moved and My ex lives right behind my new house. The problem with that is I never fell out of love with him because he dumped me. And brent not even making it even better because he keeps on calling me wondering if I would go back out with him. Ok Anonymous this is you choice You can leave me with all the fucked up stuff that I have or give more sorry advice!!!!


Re: hey anonymous May 31 2005, 23:49:22 UTC
ok heres more "sorry" advice...just don't lead mike on...hes a good guy...he worships the ground you walk on..and you just tease him...but there is one thing i agree with you on ...you got yourself into this mess!!!


godscreation_08 June 3 2005, 00:06:20 UTC
all right. i agree w/ anonymous. u did get urself n2 this. ur just leading him on. ive been hangin out w/ him alot here lately, and he thinks u luv him like u say u do. i took him 2 church last nite and he waited 4 u ALL nite. and where were u? w/ seth i bet. or moving. im still mad and the only way u kan fix it is tell mike the truth. u broke his <3 and he is just now startin 2 get over it. i dont no if yall r still 2gether or wat, but dont do it again. lisa, tika, michael, and i <3 mike and u just not now w/ u. so make the choice. boy toy, or best friends.


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