
Aug 18, 2006 00:13

Name: Molly.
Age: 16, 17 in September.
Gender: Chick.

If a magical talking fish said that he would give you either money, love, or macaroni and cheese, which would you pick? Love, no questions asked.

A little kid is being beaten up by some jerks. What do you do? I'd run over and tell them to stop, and get them away from the poor kid. I can't stand to see poor little kids being bullied. I'd make sure he was OK, and walk him home.

Describe the personality of your ideal lover: He'd be protective, look like a bad boy, but on the inside be a complete softy. He'd do no drugs & wouldn't drink that much (I'm not into the whole drugs/alcohol thing), and would have some piercings or tattoos. He would be goofy as hell, make me laugh hysterically, but still know when to be romantic and act loving. He'd let me hang around with his friends, and would just be immature with me.

If you could have any job in the world, even something like sea monster, what would you be? I would be in charge of making new holidays!

Likes: Oh, so many things. iPods, cats, music, RENT, sunsets, pretending to be gangster (hahah), chilling with friends, being a goofball, talking, laughing, scaring my brother, Invader ZIM, Japanese culture, Ireland, going out, traveling, singing, drawing, & stuff like that.
Dislikes: Needles, spiders, growing up, responsibility, failing, George W. Bush, & Spongebob Squarepants.
Hopes/dreams/aspirations: I'd love to just stop being so shy & truly experience life to the fullest. I honestly just want to be happy. Possibly travel around the world before I settle down & have a family.
Hobbies: Singing, drawing, writing, anime/manga, video games, surfing the net for nothing in particular, being an idiot, and music.

Impulsive or cautious: Cautious.
Mature or immature? Honestly depends on the situation. I can definitely be mature, but when I'm with my closest friends & my family, I'm the most immature person ever.
Leader or follower? Usually a leader.
Calm or hyper? Hyper.
Outgoing or shy? Shyyy. But when I'm with wicked close friends & fam, I'm so outgoing.
Friendly or mean Friendly!!! Oh man, I'm like, so friendly!
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic. I'm always thinking about the good.

Your best qualities: I'm a quick learner, & I tend to be good at everything I try. I'm also smart, fiercely loyal, I give good advice, & I can sing (!).
And your worst: I'm wicked shy & hard to get to know. I'm socially awkward, & I get anxious over really really really little things. I'm a big worrier & I have low self-esteem.

Describe your sense of humor (sarcastic, slapstick, mean, etc.): I love sarcastic & slapstick things. I find physical comedy to be the funniest, but I do enjoy a good sarcastic comment.

If you were to change one thing about yourself it would be... My shyness & socially awkwardness.

If you were to change one thing about the world it would be... How mean people can be. Can't everyone just be friendly?

Who's your favorite Love Hina character? OHHHHH man, I have to choose one? Su♥

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