Name :: Brittany
Age :: 17
Date of birth :: aug 21
Gender :: femizzle
Where are you from? :: Virginia
Nicknames :: britt
Middle name(s) :: leigh
Do you have any pets? :: wow. lots.
What makes you happiest? :: hangin out and feeling wanted.
What makes you the saddest? :: realizing that somethings are never gonna be the way you want
+ Have You Ever +
Said ‘I Love You’ and not meant it? :: ofcourse. it happens.
Taken drugs? :: neg
Been cautioned/arrested? :: nope
Been to a concert? :: oh yeah
Cried during a movie? :: fo sho
Been on stage? :: maybe in some elementary plays
Witnessed a crime? :: nope
Swore at your parents? :: no way.
Been abroad? :: ha.. whatdya mean?
Been on holiday? :: who?
Failed a grade? :: now why would i do that
Told the person you had a crush on you liked them? :: yeah no biggie
Ran away from home? :: cant say that i have
+ Last Thing You Did +
Last thing you ate :: fries
Last drink you drank :: tea
Last magazine you read :: seventeen
Last person you spoke to :: dad
Last person you emailed :: gah i dunno
Last thing you bought :: a muffin
Last shop you went in :: does kroger count? :P
Last song you listened to :: uh i dunno i listened to ashey on the way home
Last website you went on :: this one i suppose
Last time you said anything :: bye to the family
+ Celebrities +
Which celebrity would you most like to meet? :: boo to famous kids... although if i could hook up with ryan cabrera *sweats*
Which top 3 celebs would you most like to trip over in the street? :: is that good or bad?
Who was your first celeb crush? :: jonathan taylor thomas maybe?
Who is you current celeb crush? :: ryan baby
Have you ever met a famous person? :: i dont think so
Have you ever seen a band in concert? :: sure.
+ Favorites +
Favorite color :: purple / green
Favorite band :: to hard of a
Favorite solo singer :: ryan cabrera
Favorite film :: uh... emperor's new groove?
Favorite song :: on the way down
Favorite album :: soco - leaving through the window
Favorite TV program :: i havent watched too much tv lately
Favorite F.R.I.E.N.D.S character :: been awhile since ive seen it
Favorite day of the week :: any of em that end in "y"
Favorite day of the year :: jan 7
Favorite type of music :: emo rocks me... im a sucker for anything acoustic
Favorite TV channel :: mtv
Favorite person in the world :: i dunno sometimes jess is... other times i like ryan cabrera
+ Emotions +
Do you show your emotions much? :: i try not to
What scares you most in life? :: dying sounds pretty scary
What angers you most in life? :: ignorance
What upsets you most in life? :: my indecisiveness
What makes you happy in life? :: getting off of work early has been doing the trick lately
What helps cheer you up? :: ben and jerrys.
Who is usually there for you when you feel down? :: my jesssi poooo
Are you more optimistic then pessimistic? :: i think i am. i wish i wasnt. because its always better to be surprised by something thats better than being let down.
Is the glass half full or half empty? :: its more a quarter empty these days. ive been drinking a lot of water.
How short is your temper? :: i dont really have one...unless your stupid.
+ Choose One +
Watching movies at home/Watching movies at the cinemas :: home
McDonalds/KFC :: McDonald's
Rock music/Pop music :: Rock
Hot/Cold :: Hot
Happy/Sad :: Happy
Talking over the phone/Talking face to face :: face to face
+ Random Questions +
If you could have one wish in the world, what would it be? :: To read peoples minds
If you had the chance to meet 3 people, dead or alive, which 3 would you choose? :: uh i dunno
Who would play you in a film about your life? :: maybe one of the olsen twins... the one with the dark hair...i dunno why
What’s the first word you lay your eyes on after you’ve finished reading this sentence? :: random
Do you have posters on your wall? :: nope
If yes, how many have you got? :: none
Who or what are they of? ::
What will you be doing at 9:00 tonight? :: working
How much jewelry are you wearing at the minute and what are you wearing? :: -3 necklaces -my watch -tunnels
Do you have a life motto? :: no not yet lemme think of one and ill get back to ya
Have you ever been in love? :: i this a trick question?
Who was your first non-famous crush? :: cant remember
What is your marital status? :: single
What is the weather like outside right now? :: shit
Pick up one thing from your desk, what is it? :: keys
Do you like watching TV? :: its alright
Describe the chair you’re sitting on :: kitchen table kinda chair
Have you enjoyed this survey? :: sure