"Yeah. So just being here is winning. Jesus, those are the honorable mentions? I definitely didn't win. Ok. Still cool. Gonna pretend they're not even reading my category. Wait wait...is that...is that me? (looks around) Is that me they're talking about? OH MY GOD ITS ME ITS ME ITS ME ITS ME!!!"
So, Mallory Hellman and I devised a scheme to keep ourselves occupied during the hellhole that is 4th period AP calc. We mentally play swing music or hip hop in the background. It really helps. Post your best ways to keep occupied in class.
I have a horrendous headache and I am nauseous, but for some reason am in a relatively good mood. I am exhausted and am going to bed, but before I do, Nikki, I'm following orders.
Sum up your opinion of me in one word and reply as a post. Then put this message in your own journal.