
Jul 24, 2006 02:20

Livejournal, the medium of 2004. Why on this Sunday night have I choosen to revisit such a blast from the past? Other websites can only hold interest for so long, tonight I feel like writing, and writing, and writing ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

idengreen July 24 2006, 11:03:35 UTC
type this much stuff every week!


lovepunch July 24 2006, 18:36:10 UTC
I tried to text you but it wouldnt work!!! I went to the theatre on Saturday night so I couldnt meet up with ye. Maybe next time. Pity I missed ye Anja. x


loveisrevenge July 24 2006, 21:03:35 UTC
aw how annoyin!! hope you had fun at the theatre though and hopefully that won't be the last time a jump on the dublin bus this summer :) xx


lovepunch July 25 2006, 11:19:06 UTC
I'll be making some trips to bristol too so we'll see each other at some stage.
Remember I had that dream about you? You were on a bus with a tissue on your head. It was odd.


loveisrevenge July 25 2006, 23:59:42 UTC
no, i quite often dream of internet people on public transport with whole boxes of kleenex on their heads, its quite normal.
what brings you to brizzle? have you been? its a wonderful city...


firefish July 30 2006, 16:41:13 UTC
loveisrevenge August 25 2006, 02:52:06 UTC
god you're everywhere innit?! and i check my l.j. often as you can tell. anyhow i'll be seeing you tomorrow for post exam cheapo wine!
ciao bella


From your wee little American fellow Ficchi-chaser... anonymous August 11 2006, 07:39:08 UTC
Things have changed. I have one year of college left. Casey graduated. Amanda got married. Tiff chopped off all her hair. I am sorry I haven't been in touch more often. It's been a shitty year. I would elaborate, but I would rather email. Since, you know... deleting myspace and livejournal will force me to lose all contact with the outside world...

Send me an email? You should know the address. I will get back to you with a detailed synopsis of the crazy tangled mess of a girl I've become.

I miss those days of countryside adventuring, chasing wannabe rockstars and feeling pretty good about being carefree.

I need Anja to save me!



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