Sunday, 27th September 2020

Sep 27, 2020 14:29

i don't usually post when i'm depressed but as that's a lot of the time nowadays, it's hard to avoid it!  Anyway i thought i'd start off with the latest Friday Five.

1. Why do you think we dream?  i have no real idea. Maybe we're reviewing our day or working out some worry or problem?  Though that doesn't cover the dreams one has when it is like watching a film and nothing personal.
2. Do you tend to remember your dreams or forget them as soon as you wake up?  It really depends on how i wake up.  I usually forget but if i'm getting up to the loo, i may remember one.  However, if i wake just normally i might remember, or if i've been annoyed by the dream or amused and wake laughing.  i like that last bit best.
3. Do you keep a dream journal and has it been productive in any way? No, never have. i've never been asked to keep one or thought i needed to for any reason.
4. Have you ever had a premonition dream?  Have i? i'm sure occasionally you recognise a dream [if you remember one] that may resemble something in reality but i can't bring anything to mind. Sorry to be so boring!
5. Do your dreams tend to be happy or more in lines with being a nightmare? Luckily, most of my dreams that i remember are neither happy nor unhappy, just something happening, like i'm watching.  i do have the odd nightmare and even a recurrence of one or two if i'm not well and run a fever - and you really don't want me to tell you any of them!  i did once and my then flatmates told me it gave them nightmares! The most common unpleasant ones are making sure all doors and windows are secure as 'something' may be lurking outside or trying to get in [i live on the ground floor, so that may account for it]. Strangely it isn't usually human but big cats, like lions.  Secondly, getting lost in a large place and trying to find where i am and how to get out or even in [like a house, convention or concert hall].  i also try to play solitaire in that almost-dreaming state, if you know what i mean.  Is that odd?

It's 'meme' day, i think.  More September, it's been a while

15. Do you plan, or are you flying by the seat of your pants? A planner i guess but it does depend on what it is

16. How did you make a difference for someone else today? Had a good chat with my neighbour yesterday and we did some gardening in our front garden areas. Haven't seen anyone today so far, or gone outside [except to take our some rubbish].

17. If you were given $1M, with the stipulation that you must spend it on yourself within one year, how would you spend it?

18. What do you daydream about?   i rarely daydream, don't have the time

19. What was the first song you ever memorized?  Sorry, no idea - a nursery rhyme?

20. What’s your favourite kind of bread?  Fresh; crusty rolls or baguettes but most loaves straight out of the oven. Wonderful smells, love bakeries.

21. What’s a big pet peeve you have?  It would have to be one of the 'biggies' - grammar.  So little attention paid to written and spoken language and it grates horribly.  Dreadful written mistakes and some truly awful spoken and diction can be worse with people dropping the ends of their sentences and gabbling and mumbling.  Speak clearly, people!  Are you ashamed of what you are saying??

22. Do you have an inanimate object that you have given a name?  Dolls etc when i was little but nothing now, but my first motorbike was the Pygmy Pony (thank you, Frank Zappa!), little Honda 50 Step-through, and my only car the White Lady, for obvious reasons.

23. What’s your favourite Elton John song, and why?  Not a huge fan but the Funeral for a Friend/Love lies bleeding mix. It's such a meld of sad and upbeat, quite brilliant.

24. If you could choose any animal as a pet (all problems aside), which one would you have and why?  Tigers for sure, love them.  Giraffes are favourites but tigers are much smarter. And snow leopards maybe, so beautiful - can i have both??

25. What’s something “everyone” knows how to do that you’ve never actually done? Dunno, must be lots of things.

26. What’s one small thing you’ve accomplished today that wasn’t even on your to-do list?  i'm such a sad sack, nothing, but there's time yet

27. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be? Taking a load of pills, just to stay alive.  Yes, i know, what a sad sack!

Hope this week is better for everyone. Take care, all.

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