Title: Temporary Leader
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Sawyer
Spoilers: Season 3
Prompt: "Always wondered what this'd be like."
Word Count: 132 words
Summary: Tiny little drabble inspired by a viewing of 3x15 - Left Behind and Hurley's masterful attempt at turning Sawyer into their leader.
I have never actually belonged anywhere. Never stayed in one place long enough to.
But there was something about that day on the beach when everything sunk into place, and I thought for a moment I might have unwittingly stumbled into a situation where I could gain something without stealing it. As I stood there with that baby in my arms, I was foolish enough to think that I could be the person they were looking for, foolish enough to let that show in a smile.
Then I looked over and saw Sun’s face. And that cold stare pierced through the thin skin of comfort I had pulled up over my own coarse, battle-scarred hide and reminded me that it was all a lie.
I could never belong.
My kind never does.