Mar 02, 2006 19:35
Things I learned from my visit to the doctor on Tuesday:
-I have horrible vision in my right eye
-I am 5 foot 6
-I weigh 60-61 kilos which is equal to 135lbs
-Tetnis shots are the worst and my arm is still sore from it.
Feb 25, 2006 21:44
If anyone knows of any books I should read you should let me know.
Feb 12, 2006 18:41
Last night was fun.
I'm getting sick.
Feb 05, 2006 19:56
I have a dermetology appointment tomorrow.
The only thing making me excited about that is I get to skip my guitar lesson.
I just want them to be over.
I wish I had a valentine.
Feb 04, 2006 21:14
I saw When A Stranger Calls.
That movie is so scary.
I got grounded last night.
I bought a dress for Coronation yesterday.
It's so pretty I love it.
I got it at Ross for 20 dollars.
Feb 02, 2006 20:30
Today was a pretty busy day.
I also drank a massive amount of coke today.
Feb 01, 2006 18:03
I'm going to start writing in this a lot more.
Like everyday like I used to.
Even if I have nothing to say.
Which is basically every entry anyway.
I want to go see a movie.
&I would really love to have a boy.
I hate giving presentations.
I'm terrible at speaking in front of crowds.
I'm terrible at speaking most of the time.
Jan 27, 2006 21:42
I would really love if I could have a real conversation with someone.
I feel like I haven't in a really long time.
It's really starting to bug me.
I want a puppy.
I want to be cute.
&I would really like to have a boy.
Instead of watch everyone else get one.