
Jul 19, 2005 13:51

P.s. anybody who needs gas in their vehicles should get it today, TUESDAY. As of tommarow gas will be $3.00 a gallon!

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Comments 13

fatalilac July 19 2005, 18:02:53 UTC
oh man..its already hit $3.25...i beat the system though and got it while it was still 2.27


lovely_bones_ July 19 2005, 20:24:17 UTC
My mom just spent $2.45 a gallon on gas. I know the gas station by my house is still $2.30 though. I guess none of the gas clerks know why the prices are going up. It's pretty intense though!


lilhyperpiggy July 19 2005, 18:59:16 UTC
i heard on the radio that it's just a rumor and people are just freaking out. i don't know if i believe it. eeek. money sucks!

i got my hur cut. if you want to get yours done have my sister do it. k.


lovely_bones_ July 19 2005, 20:22:16 UTC
Does your sister dye hair too? Because I wanna put chunks in it, but i'm affraid to do it myself and it'll cost way to much to have it done at a salon.

I wanna see your hair.
In Midland and Bay City prices have already gone up to $3.00 a gallon. Not to mention prices have already started rising here in Saginaw!


lilhyperpiggy July 20 2005, 05:20:23 UTC
heck yeah she dyes hair. don't you remember she use to do mine. well actually i don't remember the last time iv'e gotten it done. but she does. she's really good and can do whatever you want for pretty cheap. for anyone out there!


lovely_bones_ July 20 2005, 16:55:08 UTC
I'm gonna give you a call when you have a day off, will you be with me when she cuts and maybe dyes it? I don't wanna feel weird being with her alone! P.s. Just ask her how much she would charge for me to get a cut/chunks/and maybe streaks in my hair? PUHLEASE :)


kissthesky627 July 19 2005, 20:40:38 UTC
I was listening to the radio and they said that if anyone hasnt caught on yet that the gas thing was all a hoax.So I dont know.


lovely_bones_ July 19 2005, 20:47:36 UTC
I don't believe that it's a hoax. I think that they are just trying to get people from sitting in huge lines. There are tooo many places that already increased their gas prices for it to be a hoax. WE filled ours up just in case, I mean if anything the prices will remain the same and we'll have a full gas tank.


xlostinthestars July 20 2005, 03:22:10 UTC
Well I also heard that it was a Hoax because The Gas station in Midland is a new one for Wal*mart opening up, n its a digital sign n they wanted to see if it worked so they set it @ $3.03 a gallon n it got stuck there. The 7*11 on Gratiot in Shields [Nicks mom works there] was telling everyone that they WERENT raising prices. Patty said that they were lined up for MILES for Gas. So yeah... I think its a hoax.. but thats me!!! :D ♥


bangbangopensky July 20 2005, 05:01:18 UTC
its still 2.23 here in grand rapids. so i guess you guys just suck


lovely_bones_ July 20 2005, 16:55:56 UTC
Yeah well you suck my doodle Kenny! Eat that and poop it out your butt. :)


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