Title: Summer
Summary: A small summer moment between Ulquiorra and Orihime before it all changes. *family fic*
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: none~
Chapters: none
Notes: This is written for my friend
masterzutarafan's birthday today! Happy birthday, dear! *hugs*
The heart )
Comments 6
Love this one too <33 I can see this in manga..! (oh noes I see this as comicpanels in my head) Family!UO would be something over of everything! <3
Fufufufu comic panels in your head is a good thing, yes? >8D.
But yes itwould! Thank you.~
And oh em gee, you know my love for faimily!ulori so well XD This is beyond cuuuuuute! I love how helpful Ulqui is around the house lol. He's the best handy man *giggles* I just love-love-love-LOVE this! Thanks so much again! <3333 I am just imagine Orihime in Ulquiorra's clothes. So adorbs *sighs*
;A; So happy you like it! XDD I couldn't pass up having Ulquiorra being the "handy-man" too good to pass up. xD
*hugs* <3333 *so happy you like it* And yes Orihime wearing his clothes are adorable. <333
Yes it would. <3 Thank you for reading!
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