
Oct 29, 2010 18:07

Title: Just by Touch
Rating: R porn
Summary: Orihime is determined to show Ulquiorra that as much as she is suspectable to his touch, that he as is with hers.
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: none
Chapters: 1
Notes: This was written for my friend frotu's birthday. <3 Much ( Read more... )

writing: fanfiction, series: bleach, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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Comments 10

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lovely_masoka October 31 2010, 22:04:25 UTC

Heehee, thank you! <3


espadadina October 30 2010, 10:07:27 UTC
Hohoohohoo!! this was soooo good ~<3333 Damn I love your fanfics so much >/////< <333333
Fufufufuufuu.... Orihime as top <33
Really god job with this <33


lovely_masoka October 31 2010, 22:05:57 UTC
>///< You do? *so happy you like my stuff*

>8D fufufufuf yes, Orihime on top. *my kink~*

Thank you again! >//


espadadina November 1 2010, 13:04:39 UTC
Thehehehe I love your stuff <3<3<3<3 I need reerad this right now >D


ce_lestic October 30 2010, 15:55:44 UTC
Absolutely adorable! I love your characterization of Orihime <33


lovely_masoka October 31 2010, 22:06:18 UTC
Heehee! Thank you >//< *happy*


phoenix089 October 30 2010, 17:17:56 UTC
OMG Issues!!! Love-Love-LOVE this!

Orihime taking control?! OMGYESPLZ! And just - just ... Hollow-Hole play <3 Fufufufufu so that's his weak spot? >D

Also, I loved this line: “You, Orihime, are only sensitive to my touch.” he said, his voice deep :heehee Possessive anyoneUlqui is one of my biggest kinks in the written world, so I have so much love for you including that <333


lovely_masoka October 31 2010, 22:10:39 UTC

Heehe yes! I love Orihime topping/taking control so I couldn't resist and hollow-hole play...fufufufufufu >8D

Thank you! Mine as well XD Ulquiorra wear possessivness well, I'm so happy you like it and everything! ♥ ♥


frotu November 1 2010, 04:50:02 UTC
Weeeeeeell, you already know my opinion of this so this will be completely redundant, but I suppose you won't mind...? XD

First, the whole premise. Orihime trying to get on an even footing with him on a subject like that? Awesome. It's so in keeping with her tendency to stand up to him and be bolder around him, and the fact that it's over a subject like THAT is a nice thing to see from her. And then all of her introspection and consideration about the issue, too... so great. Having some sort of logical lead up to the events in the rest of the story was great. ^__^b

And you know how much I LOOOOOVED their dialogue. I dunno, moments like that might be my favorite. Just them talking things out... ugh, and the ease between them too. <3 You really got their relationship across so nicely in that ( ... )


lovely_masoka November 3 2010, 05:59:27 UTC


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