Title: Birthday Surprise
Rating: R
Summary: It's Ulquiorra's first real birthday with Orihime, and what kind of surprise does she have in store for him?
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Time skip?
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: by
strawberries_85 <3333 Thank you so much!
Chapters: ..
Notes: Porn don't read if underage/
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Comments 22
I agree with others and I say I liked it too that Orihime was still learning things ~
Niceeeee fanficcc agaiiinnnnn <3333 *hugs*
*hugs* Thank you so much! I'm very happy you enjoyed it.
I like the in control Orihime xD - it works really well for her ^^
Is there going to be a part 2 as he was going to 'pay her back' :3?
Well I'm thinking of doing a fic where he "thanks her" but it won't be an exact sequel to this. xD
I liked that it was realistic and - like so many others have said - that Hime was still learning what she was doing - The "I don't like the taste" line made me lol.
Though, I especially liked: "If you're changing your mind tell me now." he stated his voice a little hard, not liking how even as she sat there staring he could feel himself grow hard, the adrenaline in his body already moving fast. This woman affected him too much." <-- that >DD Hee hees. It's good to know that Orihime affects Ulqui though we knew that already XD
Fufufufu. And Ulqui's plans for returning the favour! Hee hees! :fu
Haha thank you! <3 I thought it be appropriate since this would be her first sexual relationship and she's a teenage girl. I doubt she has experience. :P Plus it's fun making her innocent when doing something...:heehee not so innocent.
:heehee it had to be added He just gets affected more then he liked or planned ever to be.~ >3
I'll have to do a sequal of some kind since people like that idea.~ XD
As usual, this is awesome. You get 5 bat cookies out of 5 madam! 8D
Oh she does. :fu
*NOMS* <3
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