You should really get some new parchment, Cass
I did, but it's covered in silly notes...
What do you think about this new divinations professor?
He’s alright, still kind of a curmudgeon, but he has the most lovely accent.
Lovely? He’s German! They say "knutschen" instead of snog. Anyone who does that can’t be quite right in the head.
I don’t think Sasha has ever knutsched. What about you? Did you knutsch with Yong Soo?
NO, and the less said about him the better.
But you two are so perfect! You both spend the same amount of time looking in the mirror.
Shut up, Cass. You’ve sure been spending a lot of time with Soul
I don’t think it’s like that. He clearly doesn’t want to have sex, but he is cute, and his piano playing is so lovely, but I don’t think he likes anyone, except Maka.
You’d think he’d at least be interested in someone who fills out her bra.
Wow, Georgia.
Whatever, Cass. Professor Nein seems determined to bore us to death, so let’s just talk about all the boys.
Well, then Black☆Star?
So obnoxious, seems like these blokes are on the shorter side these days
Like Napoleon!
Huge egos.
That means they have a small-
How would you rate Puck on that scale?
He wasn’t bad. The sex wasn’t bad. I don’t remember much of it.
Ahahahahaha, ahahahaha,
You should fuck him.
I’m not a complete tart, alright?
Oh, right. Yeah. I forgot.
Amazing body though- In a locker room, sweaty, after a Quidditch match.
A little short to play quidditch. But sea salt ice cream sounds lovely.
Like you would know, Cass. He really botched up that quidditch match. And what about Lukas?
Oh wow, he’s great with a quaffle!
Only when he has those bloody fairies.
But it was so pretty.
Professor Ein is a brilliant flyer, and rather cute in a way,
Yes, if you like men who look like boys.
Hm… how about Otani
Ginger midget.
He is rather short, isn’t he? He’s a bit of a grump.
Usually gingers have a bit of madness about them, but it’s cute on Battler.
He’s a little pervy, and completely mad.
He’s a bit rudey dudey.
and Tsuna’s a spaz. Sort of flails about, doesn’t he?
He’s nice, but seems like a prude.
Everyone’s a prude to you Cass.
Jomy’s really adorable, but it’s so sad! His color blindness and everything.
He has a distinct whiff of homosexualist about him.
Oh! Totally! It’s cute.
What about Mukuro? He’s Sexy, sort of odd, in a funny kind of way.
I bet he’s never boring in bed.
Do you think he’s one of those homosexualists?
Oh, totally! With Jomy.
Joshua is a bit of a pompous arse.
His hair reminds me of dishwater, but it’s cute on him.
Too bad he’s a jerk.
Shin’s a jerk too, but he has the most beautiful hair
How could such a prat be so vair vair gorgey?
Wow, yeah, he was a complete bummer when we were in the Great Hall.
You’d think you’d be able to condom slide in peace.
I’ve seen you looking at Link lately.
Oooooooooo-er: Quite cute. It’s too bad he has a fondness for bitches though.
Oh wow! You two would be perfect! He really does like girls who wear the trousers.
At least he’s a cool singer.
I wonder what Professor Fernández sang like when they all did Karaoke.
Probably not well.
He wears the most lovely vests.
See, when you spend your life in a poxy magic school, studying owl droppings, you have to ask, where has it gone wrong?
Professor Pierce must be really smart. Have you looked at the texts for that class?
I don’t want to be bored beyond the valley of boredom.
I can’t believe you’re taking muggle studies.
What? It’s quite cool. I’d much rather talk about films than waste time trying to turn porcupines into pin cushions.
I don’t think Professor Valiar likes me.
Probably not.
Thijs is almost cute. He grows the most lovely things.
You just like him when he’s not in the green houses so you can nick things.
Georgia, you have no idea what you’re talking about~
I bet Sherlock does.
Oh wow, Sherlock. ? He’s the most brilliant, and he’s so clever, and smart, and rebellious and-
He’s an ARSE.
No, Firo’s an arse. Didn’t he get you in a ton of trouble?
Yes, I’m a scape-thingy, but he has a really cool air about him.
Wow, Georgia. That doesn’t make it okay. You got insane amounts of detention with Crane, the most terrifying professor.
Don’t remind me. That was the most horrifying detention ever.
I had your funeral all planned.
Cheers, Cassie.
At least I got to swoon at Hotty McHotterson Winchester. The only true sex god in this school.
Oh wow, what a waste that he’s not the teacher sleeping with students.
It would be good for you! I’m sure he loves your tits.
I think they’re a bit much for anyone.
Maybe Dean would treat them better? He seems a bit more… experienced.
VAIR GORGEY, but his brother is still better..
I kind of wonder how he became a teacher. Wasn’t there anyone else who wanted the job?
Like Professor Yukimi. Kind of apathetic for a head of house, isn’t he?
It’s a defense mechanism. I’d be apathetic too if my house was losing so many points.
It’s totally unfair that you get the hot DADA teacher, Kumohira
with two arms!
Too soon, Cass.
Professor Vilalta looks… like he’s been through a lot.
You think that would make his class more exciting.
Yuuri’s definitely gay,
Certifiably. Still, live and let live I say.
Oh, completely. He’s nice though.
Souji’s really nice too.
Sort of girly, don’t you think?
Oh, a little, but he’s really well intentioned.
Then why did I end up with that mad bloke from Ravenclaw?
Georgia, that was cupid, not Souji.
Tamaki’s gorgey.
Oh wow, Tamaki is complete nicest. He’s a good friend.
He’s really nice.
He’s too nice for you, Georgia.
Thanks Cass.
Tieria is a boring swot, even for a Ravenclaw
Why are we talking about Tieria? She seems okay.
Cass, he’s a boy-type person.
Oh wow! Really? I would have never guessed.
Well, I don’t know for sure or anything. That is between him and his trousers.
Teddy and Billy are really cute. They play so well together.
Well, not in the last match.
Quite a few of homosexuals in this school, aren’t there?
Are you worried you’re going to die an old maid, surrounded by gay men you wish were straight?
I half expect it at this point. I might as well grow a mustache and become a lesbian.
Oh, wow, really? Sometimes, think about growing a beard and joining the Circus.
They could always use more airheads.
You could always go after Takuto.
He’s sort of a rock star, isn’t he?
You’re the expert.
I think he’s cute.
Aw, I think Kid’s cute, like a tripod dog, but he needs a good fuck.
He looks like some sort of stripey skunk.
Alfred’s kind of cute too, but he never stops eating.
I think he ate all the pies.
He still flies well.
He’s quite good looking, but oddly obsessed with Hamburger-a-go-go land.
I’d still fuck him though. But it’d have to be exciting.
What about Stephen?
Oh wow… Well, he’s fucking Julie.
Don’t worry Cass, you’re better than that tart any day.
Oh, yeah, I know, but I mean-
[OOC: Cassie and Georgia were bored in divinations and decided to write notes, but like foolish fools who are foolish, they wrote it on journal paper, and decided to gossip about every older boy in school. This color means Georgia is writing. This color means Cassie is writing.
We read everyone’s permissions post, but if there are any issues with what was said, we have no problems fixing it, or taking the relevant part down.]