Well, after fighting about college, and work and whether or not it's a good idea to get a mope head...I've solved two problems...well one and some of another anyway. The school problem, I solved that by taking online classes. *Sticks tongue out at mother and grandmother* That means I can work, and go to school at the same time...and when it's time to move away there's no reason for me not to do so. *Cackles insanely* I got accepted into a college that has computer science...and I'm getting my bachelors degree in it. ^.^
My grandma is still telling my mom I shouldn't get two jobs...*Plans to do it anyway* They still think it's stupid for me to get a mope head...since we live on a highway...and I'll have to cross a bridge to get to either of the jobs I'm applying for. My sister with worse health problems then I, wants to work at the gas station down the street from where we live...that gets robbed once every blue moon and is hard work...no one's said anything about that to her. *doesn't care either*
Either way, I can now say I'm truly alive, and I'm going to properly live as Lovely is supposed to...and if demon has anything to say about that, I'm kicking his teeth in. ^.^ Oh and also I recently found myself forming a band with
ichigok and the other owner of
blurry_visions2 we've been writing lyrics with one another for a while...and talking about composing music...and then we decided to sharpen our skills in singing, and instrument playing and form a band. :D It's part of the reason why living in New York or in that area keeps crossing my mind. I've known the both of them for a while, and they're fun to talk to...plus it's far enough away from my family. XD;;
For once I have plans, and I have a good idea of how to get around them...and I have the confidence I had when I was a child and had the freedom to be myself without something hovering over me. In about a year I will know where I'm going, and I'll be there.
Oh YES...I'm also cleaning my grandma's house again. Her nurse hasn't been showing up. O.o;;; I went over to see her today and I could tell she wasn't there for at least two weeks...but Grandma said it had been longer. *eyetwitch* Hopefully I can fix that problem. :D