Hey, I'm moving closer to you..Right by Jeannotte's behind Holman, i'll stop by ...HOPEFULLY Sorry...My life keep falling apart...comp dies...working 50 hour weeks and trying to spend time wit my moms who of course fights with me bcuz its always time for friends and no time for her. I haven't been wasting money...it's great! Glad ya'll are saving!You'll be receiving a call from me soon! Love You! HI MATT! AND BABY~
haha thats awesome. lifes does that to the best of them ya know lol. Dont worry i work alot too so its even. Do u still have ur cell. Ill definately give u a call. Love ya too kiddo!
wow jaleesa thats so incredibly exciting. Even though youre moving out to an apartment with the future hubbie... you better stop by the old neighborhood to walk the baby around the block so I can see the cute little goober! Oh man... I still cant believe it! Pumped everythings going so well for you... and holy shit jealous *only 2 lbs and your pregnant* waayyyy amazing!
hahah will do. When ever i find out the baby shower ur welcome to come! Its always nice to see familiar faces! Ahaha I know im wicked happy about the 2 pounds but i have a feeling ill fill up later on!<3
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