Jaleesa Im so excited holy crap! Im really happy that you have started doing whats right for YOU and your baby and not these friends youre always talkng about. I dont know who they are or what the situation is, but stopping pot and stopping negative behavior before you have this baby will only make you stronger and healthier as a mother! Im so proud of you. Maybe your friends are still immature and drama filled, but you need to grow up awful fast now huh? You have your own life and a child now... there wont be time for stupid drama and shitty fights! So whatevers going on between you and these people, I hope they can realize that you are going to be more responsible and mature and youre not going to have the time to deal with their crap! I ♥ you!
I dont know what it is but ur like the only one thats understands what im endlessly going thru with friends. I dont get it. Im glad u realize thats i dont have time for nonsence drama cuz some people dont and KEEP commenting in my journal. I dont see that point. Like once u end friendships its over i dont get why people feel the need to keep at it. But whatever. I appreciate ur thoughts tho. Maybe that person will read it and get a hint and leave me alone. thanx rikki <3 ya too.
Wow Jaleesa that was a real low blow but you know what i would rather make the mature decision of not bringing a baby in to a world that it is going to suffer in. Unlike you when i do have a child it will be in a very stable time in my life so that i can give it everything it needs FYI it is gona take a lot more than a little money left over for a full fridge of food to raise a newborn and maybe more then one income hello And about me how can you say that i an a hypocrite? Why because i smoke too? Hell yea i smoke but guess what i have my own very nice apartment and i am going places and i have lots of money left over so it looks like i am really not as inhuman as you say o yea when us four "friends" all got a tongue ring i think it was more like 3 friends made a pact and you followed But hey say what you want on live journal but we both know that the last time we hung out (last month) you were smoking away FIY A babies heartbeat skips everytime you take a drag of a ciggarette... imagine some weed...
Sheila sheila. Get over ur self and leave me alone. U seem to have ur own live right? well why keep track of my lj and go outta ur way and comment. I dont know what calendar u look at day to day but we havent chilled for months now. And the last time we smoked was when u came to my house crying about oscar MONTHS AGO. I dont really care anymore ok. U said ur piece in O's lj and what a beautiful piece that was so i dont really get what u could possible have else to say. Im over it. My babys comming in literally less then 3 or 4 weeks, Do u really think i sit on my couch and think of u all day day dreaming that u were still in my life. No sorry. So lose the big head already huh? Ur not a hypocrite cuz u smoke. Read between the lines. If i were to say that id be ragging on everyone in nashua including ALL friends. So no smoke on. And yes the one income is doing plenty and saying as while the baby is still young its gonna be permentantly attached to my tit it will never go hungry and diapers arent really a problem. I dont get it is ur
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Comments 6
o yea when us four "friends" all got a tongue ring i think it was more like 3 friends made a pact and you followed
But hey say what you want on live journal but we both know that the last time we hung out (last month) you were smoking away FIY A babies heartbeat skips everytime you take a drag of a ciggarette... imagine some weed...
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