Title: Clay Figurines and Cigarettes A/N: A story about two great friends for two great friends. Dear charliechaplin2, dear ellorgast: happy (belated) birthday.
Awn they are cute, cute, cute and cute! Oh, and lovely too hahaha Seriously I love this two, their friendship is so perfect and sometimes - specially when I'm on "Anne Rice mood" like now with all that yaoi and everything - I totally ship them and I don't care hahahaha Geez If somebody had told me that I will ship Jadeite/Zoisite months a go, I would laugh the hell of me and send they to a psychiatrist. The best scene was that in the bed, but I think you know it haha Mamoru didn't answered Ando? Oh god sometimes I want to hit that top hat fool so hard! Even Takeshi put more effort on trying to like Ando! Anyway, another awesome job, you are awesome! Congrats!
Thank you, Kiryu! Umino and Ando are a wonderful pairing! I don't ship them in this incarnation, but in the SilMil verse, I can absolutely see the appeal. Look into Spirit's monstersoxx verse, if you're not already reading that, I promise you you will enjoy the Zoisite/Jadeite interaction!
Comments 12
Oh, and lovely too hahaha
Seriously I love this two, their friendship is so perfect and sometimes - specially when I'm on "Anne Rice mood" like now with all that yaoi and everything - I totally ship them and I don't care hahahaha Geez If somebody had told me that I will ship Jadeite/Zoisite months a go, I would laugh the hell of me and send they to a psychiatrist.
The best scene was that in the bed, but I think you know it haha
Mamoru didn't answered Ando? Oh god sometimes I want to hit that top hat fool so hard! Even Takeshi put more effort on trying to like Ando!
Anyway, another awesome job, you are awesome! Congrats!
Umino and Ando are a wonderful pairing! I don't ship them in this incarnation, but in the SilMil verse, I can absolutely see the appeal. Look into Spirit's monstersoxx verse, if you're not already reading that, I promise you you will enjoy the Zoisite/Jadeite interaction!
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