All entries must be original and remain secret until the end of the challenge.
Every person who signed up must submit one icon. If you don't submit, one skip will be used. In case you don't have any skips, you'll be eliminated.
All entries must follow LJ standard: 100x100 pixels and 40kb limit saved in .jpg or .png.
Animation is not allowed. You're free to use textures, brushes, stock and other like resources.
Please submit your icon using the form provided. Any doubts? Feel free to ask.(:
A reminder will be posted only in this challenge. For the future ones, they'll be sent by e-mail. We won't send you any spam or unrequired content. (: E-mail is a faster way to remind all the participants without taking over Friends lists or leaving various comments. It's easier to us and just as efficient. (: Those who feel uncomfortable with the e-mails will not receive any reminders.
You still have time to sign up and promote the community! (:
Challenge 01 Click on the banner for the original image.