Title : Haute Technologie
Pairing : JongKey
Rating : G
A/N : I got the prompt "Music with me" on the SHINee's random pairing/prompt generator, and tried to write it with my OTP. The title means high-technology in French and has almost nothing to do with the fic ,___,
You mean that much to me
And it's hard to show.
The XX - Night Time
Kibum softly opens the door of their shared bedroom.
Jonghyun is sitting on Onew’s bed, playing with his phone. He’s been playing with his phone quite a lot lately. But Kibum, as nosy and annoying as he can be, hasn’t even questioned him, waiting patiently for the other boy to come to him and spill his secret, because he likes it better that way : being in the role of the trustful best friend, instead of being in the role of the irritating prick who’s going to be ignored for the next 4 days.
Jonghyun lifts his eyes from the shining screen of his high-tech mobile and smiles this smile of his when he sees Kibum’s frame by the door.
“Hey. Music with me ?”, Kibum asks, showing his iPod and earphones. Jonghyun doesn’t answer but he moves from his spot to go a little bit to his left, making room for Kibum on the right side of the bed.
Kibum climbs on the bed and sits next to Jonghyun. He hands him the right earphone while putting on the left one. Jonghyun rolls his eyes when he sees him picking the right earphone for the right ear (“The other one would have worked too, you know ?”), but says nothing, still smiling his signature smile.
They stay side by side, listening to Kibum’s iPod on shuffle. It almost feels like home, and soon enough, Jonghyun falls asleep, his head dangling on Kibum’s shoulder, his phone abandoned between them. Kibum falls asleep too, and when he wakes up, the sky is already dark and Jonghyun’s arm encircles his waist. He shifts a little to get more comfortable before going back to sleep, his legs now hiding the long forgotten cell-phone.
On its screen, an unsent text.
To : Kibum
Subject : [no subject]
Hey Kibummie there’s smthing I’ve been wanting to tell u : I think I might be in love with you.