Harry seemed a lot different to me in this book. A lot more grown up. Dumbledore's oblviousness of the Draco and Snape situations and Harry's understanding showed he is maturing a lot and growing up. He has really been using Dumbledore as a crutch and now that he's gone, Harry' going to have to really fight his own battles.
Snape- He shocked me. I had always trusted Snape but I was obviously very wrong. It was very sad.
Draco- He proved himself to be a real person, not jsut a nasty little boy. Taking on a mission like that, however bad a mission, proved he wasn't just some kid and that he actually cared about others things. He seemed so much more real to me.
Ron and Lavender/Hermione- Ron is immature sometimes, but I has always been hoping he would end up with Hermione. Him and Lavender was a joke. How he interacted with Hermione at the end showed that truly loved each other, if not in a purely romantic way.
Harry/Ginny- Cute. A little too much teenage angst on Harry's part.
Voldemort- I realized his goal is not to take over the world (as much as he would like that) but to beomce immortal. I guess I always kind of knew that, but it was fairly obvious in this book. The horcruxes were an ingenious idea of JKR's part. How they worked fascinated me. And I really want to know how R.A.B. is.
I liked this book better than the fifth. It was a much easier read and made more sense.
There better still be a Hogwarts next book though or I will cry.