Survey stolen from Autumnsparkle

Sep 14, 2004 23:10

My Father thinks I am: ?
My Mother thinks I am: her daughter
My sister thinks I am: I have no sister, dammit!
My brother thinks I am: Allan: Non-exisitent;; Kirk: "almost a person";; Alex: Cool to hang out with Mike: getting better with PCs
My grandma thinks I am: a bitch. her words, not mine
My grandpa thinks I am: well, he's dead
My Girlfriend/Boyfriend thinks I am: probably crazy. lol
My best friend thinks I am: looney

+your three best qualities = o.O Umm, I'm a hopeless romantic, I'm a really loyal friend, and, uh... I'm (usually) willing to help
+three worst qualities = lazy, insecure and jealous
+three things you are often complimented for = my shoes, for some weird reason, my piano "skills", and my ridiculous amount of baseball knowledge for someone of my age and gender
+a compliment you got that made you blush = ... it's been a while since ANYTHING made me blush...
+you get embarrassed when = I do/say something dumb in front of a large group of people. Like today in my friend's spanish class. God, that teacher's a nazi
+makes you happy = LOTS OF THINGS!
+upsets you = many, many, many things;;; too many to list ^_^

Yes or NO....
+you keep a diary = Yes. online.
+you like to cook = Not particularly. It's just something I do
+you have a secret you have not shared with anyone = many
+you fold your underwear = eh, sometimes
+you talk in your sleep = yes
+you set your watch a few minutes ahead = nope
+you bite your fingernails = horrid habit
+you believe in love= of course! Estelio veleth...

x. movie you rented = Hidalgo
x. movie you bought = TTT:EE
x. song you listened to = some song off some CD that Alex gave me (probably to borrow)
x. song that was stuck in your head = "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy"
x. song you've downloaded = a DMB song... I think
x. CD you bought = Bjork: Post Live
x. CD you listened to = a mix I made
x. person you've called = Lane
x. person that's called you = Deanna
x. TV show you've watched = Six Feet Under
x. person you were thinking of = Lane, of course *g*
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = yes and no
x. you think about suicide = no. Did in sixth grade though.
x. you believe in online dating = Define online dating
x. others find you attractive = o.o
x. you want more piercings = I want my ears pierced.
x. you want more tattoos = o.o
x. you drink = drink? *british accent* I'm not from your country...
x. you do drugs = Nope.
x. you smoke = I did in 6th grade.
x. you like cleaning = ewie, no. I like things to be clean, I just don't care enough to put forth the effort to get them there.
x. you like roller coasters = I LURVE roller coasters!!
x. you write in cursive or print = yes and yes;;; both VERY illegibly
x. you carry a donor card = uh, no.

have you...
x. ever cried over a boy/girl = yes
x. ever lied to someone = *stares blankly* I am a master of the art.
x. ever been in a fist fight = yes. Many times. Forest Glen sucked.
x. ever been arrested = No, thank God.

x. shampoo do you use = Suave Passion Flower
x. perfume do you use = Halloween by... can't remember
x. shoes do you wear = many different kinds
x. are you scared of = sharks, bees, roaches

x. of times I have been in love? 3
x. of times I have had my heart broken? 1
x. of hearts I have broken? at least 1
x. of boys I have kissed? o.o You actually want me to count. You're crazy!
x. of people I've slept with? see above. 1 in recent memory
x. of people I consider my enemies? 0
x. of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? 2
x. of CDs' that I own? eh, not that many. Maybe a dozen or two;;; compared to Kirk's (literally) like 300, that's so not alot.
x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? quite a few, actually. Mostly to do with softball. *g*
x. of things in my past that I regret? VERY VERY VERY MANY! So very many!
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