Aw, this post seriously made me smile so big. What happened? I know this may be creepy, but I really want to know you. You just seem so cool, and gah, yeah.
& It just kind of sucks because he is my friends ex boyfriend who I accidently flirted with when they were dating and he accidentally flirted back. And by accidently I really mean accidently.
Comments 6
It's not creepy.
I think.
Just this boy.
He kind of made me smile a lot.
Just nice.
And we didn't slow dance or anything.
& It just kind of sucks because he is my friends ex boyfriend who I accidently flirted with when they were dating and he accidentally flirted back. And by accidently I really mean accidently.
It was so much fun dancing with you! :)
"To the left, to the left!"
I love you...a lot. *scuffles feet*
Eep. I need to talk to you about boys.
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