
Jan 09, 2009 19:12

I am so in love with this series. So. in. LOVE!

Fan Ganma Bizen is just friggin' cool, almost too annoyingly cool sometimes. And talk about being all man. *fans self* For once, I'm happy to see some muscles done right, and not another feminine, pretty boy. I mean, I love the latter, but it's nice to see some meat on the bones sometimes. He can do anything, it seems, from fighting to steer a ship through a huge storm to the impossible. Maia, if I were you, I'd so jump him. ;)

Oh, and talk about Maia, this girl is awesome! Not strength-wise, since she has none, but her poker face and attitude are both hilarious and delightful. I mean, she was nearly raped, but she was unconscious so probably didn't feel the terror, and the guy didn't get any farther than rubbing her leg and a lick. But she woke up to find herself almost completely naked with only her panties on, and three other guys in the room (cave, rather), and all she said was, "What happened? Oh..." And when Fan threw her his shirt (shirtless Fan = drool), she put it on nonchalantly and commented, "Hmph, never mind. No skin off my back." Didn't even blush! Argh, she's cool!

The first thing she did afterward was demanded information from the would-be rapist about his mechanical eye, which has to do with her long search, rather than addressing the fact that oh, he kidnapped her and ripped her clothes open. Talk about a one track mind. It's hilarious that when the guy (Sinta) told her that he'd answer if she let him sleep with her, Fan told him casually, still with that ever present smile on his face, "Where else do you want me to punch you again?" XD When Sinta started telling them about his story, and the fact that he killed his father, Fan was totally unsurprised. Sinta commented that nothing seemed to surprise him. Maia just said with a straight stare: "Continue," making Sinta pout and say, "You, too." This series is not the most funny of them all, but man, this kind of stuff made me crack up in the middle of the night.

Other people might think it's annoying that Maia constant goes, "Sanoo," every time something comes up, but I find it adorable. Tuban Sanoo is the strongest fighter in the land, possibly world (he never fought with Fan yet, and I'm not sure that's one fight I want to see), and looks about in his mid-thirties. He looks a bit like a lion, actually. He's kind of Maia's guardian due to his word to a trusted man. I love the fatherly fondness between him and Maia because it's sweet, and because it's obviously is that, and it's hard to argue for it to be any other kind of affection as you can usually do in other series. I also like that he steps back and let Maia do what she wanted instead of interfering and do her job for her. When you think about it, sure, maybe it's bad that he didn't stop her from promising her body/virginity away to Fan as payment for helping her find the mythical place Gurihara (something I don't think Fan's really serious about when he asked, anyway), but I figured it is kind of her business, and Sanoo rarely does anything other than observing and fighting, anyway.

Another funny thing about Kaiouki is how... unsexy it is. XD There is very little concentration on romance (which only makes me crave more, darnit!), and besides the drool-worthy bodies of the men, everything is very plot and action-oriented. Never mind, even the muscles are part of the action. Even when you have those moments of the guys eating and licking something off their fingers, it's not sexy at all. Their tongues stick out sort of like in Doraemon, and the fact that I noticed made me laugh so hard every time.

I am so glad that I can read Vietnamese, because otherwise I can't ever understand what the heck goes on in this series, since the only other scans I found for it are Japanese raws and Chinese. I was in shock that they have it in Vietnamese. My gosh, I literally jumped out of my seat and did a little dance. I'm so ecstatic to find this series. I'm on volume 15 in the Vietnamese version, which means about 13-14 on the original. There's still a lot to go, and things are already looking grave, so I wanted to stop and rant a little before moving on. It's sad nobody I know knows about this so I can't rant with--I mean, at--them. It's the main reason why I've been feeling so gloomy lately even though I finally found scans of this series that I could understand. I mean, the translation is actually pretty decent, as far as I can tell, and reads smoothly instead of embarrassing like it can often be. I really appreciate it, and feel sad that I can't share this with my friends.

I'm done ranting for now. Will probably pick it up again when something big happens, meaning very soon, likely.

fangirl, kaiouki

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