Don't Wait Up [Chapter 4; Missing Him]

Jul 16, 2010 19:13

It was 6 am in the morning when the sun had just risen.

Donghae was fast asleep in his bed while the rest of the 12 boys were up baking a cake and making breakfast for him.  There were loud bangs and clatters of pots and pans hitting into each other every now and then.

“Shhhhhh! You guys are too loud! You’ll wake him!” Siwon whispered to the boys ( Read more... )

fan fiction, donghae, yoona

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Comments 3

janet_yoonhae July 16 2010, 13:36:17 UTC was a nice chapter! but it was to sad that yoona never go back to Korea yet and donghae was really miss her! his wish that yoona can go back to Korea! i hope you can post the next chapter as fast as you can because i can't wait for next chapter! <3


mayshy July 16 2010, 13:42:21 UTC
ohhh finally some hae and the boys, it's quite hilarious XD
and omg u made jaejoong so nice!!! and yoona was a bit cold, but it's understandable... gosh i love this!! ♥


unnielove July 17 2010, 19:32:50 UTC
-just read these chapters-

OMO. yoonas mother is so overly harsh D:

but at least jaejoong's nice :3

awwwww the picture~~~~~~~~ i can just imagine it. itd be so cute <33333333

nice job~~~~~ great chapter :D next chapter hwaiting!


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