More Slavefic

Nov 18, 2011 06:42

I found this website/archive, which seems to have tagged every single piece of SGA fiction that there is. Naturally, I went straight to the slavefic.

Most of the fic is the same as the other list, but there were a few I'd not seen before, and enjoyed. Among them:

Operant Conditioning
- This is a story where John and Rodney are first separated into plastic, see through cages where they can see each other but not hear where the other one is saying. Then, John is conditioned to desire only to be Rodney's slave. Pretty ordinary SGA stuff, but what the author does is work the theme of "Teflon John" the one where no one touches John because he doesn't want to be touched. Now in the plastic cages, he's so desperate for touch, that he must overcome this aversion. At first, Rodney puts his hand up to the plastic, to say goodnight, and finally, after weeks, John starts doing the same. That's when he's taken away for conditioning.

When he comes back from the conditioning, he throws himself at Rodney, and Rodney is very hard pressed to resist. Rodney is told that to punish John, he would withhold touch; to reward him, he touches John. Finally, even Rodney's stoic stubbornness breaks, and they both end up fooling around. Later, Rodney considered himself to have raped John, even though John says that aliens made them do it.

I liked the story well enough, but wish the writer would have slowed down some and worked the idea of touching and not touched...a lot of it was told in retrospective or flashback - and this ingenious idea that she came up with deserved to be worked through. I would have liked less of the society and more of the effect on Rodney and short, I wanted MORE! I liked the writer's style, it's clean and untroubled.

"John watches Rodney map out equations on the floor with the tip of a finger. Watches his eyes close and his lips move and wonders if he’s calculating pi in his head; John does it, too. He also goes over the controls and gauges of every craft he knows how to fly, every car he’s ever driven. He lies on his back in the center of the room, studying the ceiling as he mentally walks his way through lists designed to keep his mind occupied: top ten favorite food, top ten favorite Johnny Cash songs, top ten favorite places he’s lived, top ten favorite places he’s visited. Days when he’s feeling morose the lists get darker: ten opportunities missed, ten worst decisions, ten stupidest things ever done, ten people he’s killed with his own hands, ten orders he’s disobeyed.

On the twenty-eighth day, John spends the “afternoon” counting the number of people who have died on Atlantis and assigns blame for whose fault those deaths were. He comes up with seventy six, and just over forty are his fault, just over ten are Rodney’s.

That night, in the gathering artificial dusk, he presses his hand to the glass, and accepts Rodney’s surprised look and the pressure of hand to wall that he can almost feel."

and this...she's got this little theme running through, where John ducks his head to ask to be touched that's marvelous....

"Rodney stares at Sheppard, who is still frowning thoughtfully at the schematics. "You're…you can…" He can't articulate what he wants to say. Sheppard seems like himself, and Rodney doesn't know if that means anything - to him or to Sheppard himself. Sheppard looks up and catches Rodney's eye, then he smiles again and inclines his head. It takes Rodney a minute to catch on, then he slowly raises his hand and reaches out. Sheppard leans forward a little more, nudging his head against the edge of Rodney's fingers like a skittish cat."
This entry was originally posted at

reading, slavefic, stargate atlantis, mcshep, sga

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