25 things you didnt know...
(well my closest friends know...but majority might not.....)
[06 Jan 2005|10:00pm]
1. I think my mom is the most inspiring and beautiful human being in every aspect of life.
2. My brother and mother are my best friends.
3. I do not talk to my father
4. I love working with special ed.
5. I spend about 400-500.00 on clothes every month. (i know i knnnow it does not look like it)
6. I LOVE thunder and lightening. love love love.
7. I spend about 60.00 on starbucks every month.
8. I think about my best friends....when im with them...alone...or i take up any chance to brag about them to other people. i love describing them individually. :)
9. I have a boyfriend ( that i truly adore. in every way shape and formmmmm.....it has been a looooong time comin'. 19 yeeeeears...snikes!) :)
10. I am my worst enemy. i degrade myself to tears sometimes.
11. I make it a point to meet new people and truly listen to them. you learn something from EVERYONE in life. regardless of age, race, gender, disability,...........
12. If tattoos were like five years permanent i would have a gazillion. and while we are at it...i still really need my lip pierced.
13. When people give me compliments or say something nice i automatically disagree and reverse everything to negative.
14. I have a really really really hard time trusting people. especially males.
15. I go to subway at least 3 times a week.
16. I love my family with everything i have.
17. I do everything i possibly can to help others. i care a tremendous amount about people.
18. I was the most depressed i have ever been this whole past semester.
19. I love buying magazines and cds...i get more out of the cd when i buy it for some odd reason.
20. I plan my sechdule around seinfield and oprah.
21. I love home cooked meals.
22. I shave my legs like twice a week. (haha-MUAHA)
23. I am very loud and vulgar at times. well, vulgar all the time. selective loud :)
24. I love the rain when you can stay in and be a bumm all day.
25. I love fundips. love love love.