A - Age : 19. 20 in like 3.5 months :)
B - Band listening to right now : northstar
C - Career in future: hopefully my major will do me right and i will be in charge of marketing or sales for nordstroms...something to that nature
D - Dad's name: christopher-michael
E - Easiest person to talk to: my mom, bv, nika
F - Favorite band at the moment: ohh gese louise. i like hot hot heats new song. so yes, hot hot heat.
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: worms for sure. the red and white ones.....yumbo gumbo.
H - Hometown: does hometown mean where i was born?...if so, vancouver, washington. if not, santucket, california.
I - Instruments: recorder concert-5th grade.
K - Kids: love them and cannot wait to have them.....even though i cant picture "down there" expanding that much
L - Longest car ride ever: when we drove from vancouver to san diego. awful.
M - Mom's name: shaindel. the most beeeeeee-a-utiful woman evvver
N - Number of siblings: one. the other most beautiful person in me life.
P - Phobia[s]: SPIDERS, clowns, heights, girls. and guys for that matter.
Q - Favorite Quote from a song: "and all the girls in every girly magazine cant make me feel any less alone im reaching for the phone" not really my favorite. i just adore that song.
R - Reason to smile: my family, my friends, finally being on a workout routine, the weather, the new people i have met this year, my college opportunity, my fat dog, my new earrings my mom bought me, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd san diego. its so beautiful here. like whoa.
S - Song you sang last: "if i was a rich girl" with todd. bahaha!
T - Time you woke up: 9:30am to sandblasters. eck.
U - Unknown fact about me: ohh yikes. there are ALOT. ummm hmmmm. i do not know how to do makeup (or hair) for the life of me. it is really quite depressing.
V - Vegetable you hate: tomatoes. yuck.
W - Worst habit: my negative thinking. it consumes me beyond belief.
X - X-rays you've had: alot alot.
Y - Yummy food: subway, subway, subway, golden spoon mini's, thai food, bean and cheese burritos from anywhere, and mi mammas homecookin'. jamba juice too. of course. and and and yogurt mill.
Z - Zodiac sign: leo. double leo to be exact.
i am beyond lame. i know. im really bummed out right now. does this happen to anyone else?...
you just get bummed out? hmmmmm.