Title: Confess to Me
Pairing: Xander/Soohyun
Rating:G-PGish I dunno….
Summary: Xander and Soohyun have differences but what happens when…..
unedited so please forgive *gives cookies and ice cream*
A/N: So it has been a horrible week and I am done. I just decided that I was going to write this weekend between chores and other things. I do hope you enjoy whatever I come up with and please comment after ^_^
A/N 2: This is also part of the
U-Kiss Challenge and this is prompt number 5 -confessions.
“What is your problem Soohyun?” A quiet voce spoke up.
“Nothing Kevin” Soohyun responded. “I’m just sick of his immaturity, and how he acts.”
Kevin sighed and moved away from Soohyun. “Soohyun, you don’t know how much he looks up to you do you?”
Soohyun looked up with a questioning look.
“That’s what I thought.” Kevin walked out of the room leaving the elder to ponder on what Kevin had just said.
“Soohyun just give it up. I’m done arguing with you” A soft voice came through the echoes of the room. “I don’t want this anymore I want us to be able to work together. We can’t and I have tried I don’t think you have.”
Soohyun smiled in achievement. “Xander, it’s only cause you are weak.”
Xander looked up at the younger man with tears in his eyes. He then shook his head and moved away from the younger man before anymore harm was brought to the other. When Xander was out of hearing range he mumbled under his breath, “Soohyun you don’t how much I want to be like you.”
Soohyun wasn’t sure what had just happened but whatever it was he was sure that it wasn’t good. Things like this just never happened to him and Xander was never one to react so calmly to one of his statements. Though Xander was known to break down in front of Soohyun he never mumbled anything before he left the room. It was usually always with a shout.
“Kevin?” Soohyun called out as he turned to the kitchen door. “May I speak with you for a moment?’
Kevin nodded silently and got up from the couch. He followed Soohyun into the kitchen and watched as the elder got things together for dinner.
“You know how much I love you guys right?” The elder asked quietly almost to where Kevin couldn’t hear him.
Kevin nodded in response as Soohyun had just looked away then responded “Yes I know, Kibum knows, Dongho for sure knows, Eli knows it best, Kiseop I’m not one hundred percent sure about but I’m sure he knows, Hoon and AJ sorta just met you so I think they sorta have an idea on how much you love them all.”
Soohyun sighed and feared that was what Kevin was going to say. “Thanks Kevin I need to do some thinking if you will just let everyone know that dinner will be ready in about an hour.”
“Sure Soohyun” Kevin responded before leaving the room.
Dinner rolled around and the only person not at the table was Xander. There was something wrong with the situation. He was always the first one there and the last one to leave. Though the members knew exactly what was going on, there was something that Xander wanted to tell Soohyun but was just too scared to do so.
After dinner Soohyun made a plate for the eldest and took it up to Xander’s room. He knocked lightly on the door.
“Xander, it’s me. I brought you food.” Soohyun whispered loudly hoping the elder could hear him. “I guess I’ll just set the plate right outside the door.”
Xander sighed and realized that he had been writing all through dinner when the knock on his door came around. He didn’t want to say it to Soohyun’s face but there was something that needed to be done. He grumbled as he stood up and moved towards the door. There was a clinking of metal and some of the plates that he knew so well.
“Soohyun?” Xander said quietly in the middle of the room. “Why can’t you look beyond the images and see what I am feeling about you?”
Soohyun heard the shuffle of feet on the other side of the door. He looked down next to the plates and glasses he had just set down. There was a envelope.
‘When did that get there?’ he thought to himself before bending down and picking it up. He looked it over and noticed that it had his name on it. Stuffing it into his pocket for now he walked away from Xander’s room.
Xander sat down on the couch next to Soohyun and leaned towards the younger man. Soohyun had forgotten about the letter from the other day and thought things were getting back to normal. Soohyun shifted towards Kevin who had noticed nothing other than the oldest was getting very tired and needed a pillow to rest and Soohyun was the closest thing to that pillow.
After a while Soohyun just let the elder fall asleep on his shoulder being careful not to wake him up Soohyun turned to Kevin.
"Kev? Why is Xander acting this way? It's so immature of him. Though not that I mind at all but still”
Kevin shrugged and walked away but before leaving the room he added. “He wanted to confess something to you though I don’t know what it was.”
“Shoot.” Soohyun face palmed himself as he realized that he didn’t read the letter that he had found the other day outside of Xander’s door. ‘Was that a confession?’ he then asked himself.
Soohyun didn’t want to wake the elder but he needed to look for the clothes that he had been wearing that day. He remembered that he stuffed the note into the jacket pocket and that was the jacket what was getting washed tomorrow. “Shit” He mumbled to himself.
Soon after he realized this he was fidgeting in his seat. There wasn’t much he was able to do but he wanted to make an impression for the elder. He pulled out his phone an sent a text.
Leader Man: Please help me!
Only Knitter: With what?
Leader Man: I need a note out of my jacket pocket. The one I wore yesterday.
Only Knitter: Fine but you owe me one. -.-
Leader Man: When don’t I? 8-|
About five minutes later Dongho walked into the room. “Aww so cute together”
Soohyun glared and pulled on the note Dongho had. “Please Dongho I wanna read it now!” Xander shifted a little and cause Soohyun to freeze all actions that he was doing. “Don’t make me wake him up please?” Soohyun then gave pleading eyes.
“Okay hyung but I want twenty-five dollars and enough food for and by tomorrow in my room or I tell Xander you didn’t read it till today.” Soohyun nodded and grabbed the note from Dongho. Dongho smiled and skipped out of the room smiling.
Soohyun shook his head at the younger member then ripped open the letter and read the beautiful hand writing;
I’m sure you won’t read this when you find it but I can try right?
Well I guess I should say this first. I wanted to tell you after the first month that U-Kiss was together that I wanted to be like you. No, I’m not lying. You are a great role model. I think that is why we fought so much. I wanted to be one but you were always superior to me. I really love you guys but I think that I will leave the group. I need to get away from the stress and the fights that we have. I am completely sorry for any trouble I brought you.
I’m confessing these things to you because they are true. The night that I use you as a pillow will be my last night with you in the dorm. I’m not saying it will be my last day with U-kiss but it will be with you as a family.
Soohyun, I love you as a brother. You have become part of me and there is nothing I can do to stop it. You will be a great leader and I hope to see you smile more and more after this. I hope you don’t have as many arguments with the other.
I hope that I can become more like you in the future and maybe become the leader of my own group.
Love you Lots,
Your Alexander
God Bless
Soohyun then looked down at the elder who was still asleep and smiled. He would never say it out loud but he loved the elder. ‘I only thought I was making him stronger’ He thought to himself placing a hand in Xander’s hair and running his fingers through it lightly.
Sighing Soohyun thought of what he wanted the elder to know.
“Xander all I can confess to you is that I love you. More than you can know. I just I don’t want you to leave me but if you must then go for it. I can say I will miss you greatly, but, it is your choice, not mine. You do need to find your leader self and that won’t happen with me around.”
Soohyun fell asleep shortly after.
When he awoke he looked at the clock. It was about seven in the morning. He found a note setting where Xander had been earlier that night. He read it with blurred eyes.
Sorry Soohyun you got uncomfy so I went to bed. Thanks for telling me that I will miss you too…… Maybe I will stay. Nope manager says I have to go. Loves you lots.
Soohyun smiled and fell back asleep laying down on the couch. He didn’t want to miss the excitement in the morning this morning
A/n: OMG this took longer than planned. I’m completely sorry if this really doesn’t count but this is really the only way I can write Xander/Soohyun. It’s hard writing your bias with your least fave member. (Sorry Soohyun fans) But I do hope you enjoyed.