Title: Counting
Paring: Kibum Focused
Rating: G
Summary: Kibum decides he is going to count paper clips. (Sorry guys this story doesn’t have much of a plot I was bored and this is what came to mind.)
A/N: Again sorry this story is bland but it was all I could come up with and it is also for the
U-Kiss fic challenge. I was just typing to get something done. Also finals got in the way so yeah.. Here is this.
‘There were so many of them, I’m not sure if I can get count them all.’ I thought to myself, ‘Well I have put this off long enough, time to get started.’
I picked up a blue paperclip and tallied it. “That’s one blue paperclip.” I put it in the blue jar that was sitting on the table next to me.
“What’s up Kibum?” a familiar voice spoke, which startled me. “Counting paperclips again?”
I nodded as the other man chuckled. I didn’t mind it, it kept me busy. No one understood why I enjoyed it but I did. The man left and I went back to me counting.
By the time lunch came around I had counted 204 blue, 305 yellow, 1,276 silver and 100 pink paper clips. Five people interrupted me and they all had the same reaction to my counting. They all came in asking if I was counting paperclips, as I nodded they all chuckled and left me alone.
It is weird to say but, I almost feel as if the paperclips are my only friends. They don’t laugh at me, they don’t tease me. The paperclips just sit there and let me count them.
Too many times this happens that I feel this way. Not many people appreciate the countering I do. Though, yes, most of the time it is paperclips, I have been known to count sand grains, rice, bowls, pens, just about anything. Just give me something and I will count it.
The following couple of hours seemed to go by pretty fast as I never stopped my counting. After about 1:00PM everyone had stopped bugging me about my counting.
Closing time was coming around and I wasn’t sure if I was going to finish my counting. I still had a ton of paperclips to go through.
Kevin came in and told me that he was leaving and that I needed to lock up before I left. I nodded in agreement and looked at my tallies. There were 510 blue, 415 yellow, 2,345 silver, and 150 pink paperclips. I decided now was the best time to call it quits and that I needed to head home for the night.
Gathering all the paper clips up, that I had counted, I put them in a jar labeled “Needs to be counted.” The rest of the paperclips went into their rightful jars and then were placed on the shelves. Each spot was labeled with a sticker of what color they were but to throw people off the walls were different colors. It was how I knew if people broke into my office. The colors of the paperclip jars always matched the walls and never the labels like they were supposed to if someone broke into my office.
I closed up my office and started to leave when I remembered that I locked my keys in my office.
“Kibum”, I said to myself. “You did it again.” I sat on the bench outside my office and decided that would be my bed until someone came and unlocked my office for me.
Word Count: 516