Name: Nick "Joe" Young
Age: 16
Favorite Bands(s): DK, Bad Relgion, Leftover Crack, Aus Rotten, Oi Polloi, Oi! Scouts, NoMeansNo
last time you saw Jello- never have
favorite "spoken word"- "On Joey Ramone" and "Letter to Tipper Gore"
favorite song- "Are You Drinking With Me Jesus?" with Mojo Nixon
+your thoughts on+
capitalism- Needs to be done away with. It has become too corrupted.
democracy- American democracy or TRUE democracy? They are different things. America has no democracy left.
war in Iraq- usless war that Bush is using to get more oil, and finish what daddy started.
"punk" fashion- Its ok when its ture punks wearing what they want, and not some fucker who thinks they are punk for listening to GC
cloning- I'm not really sure if I have an opinion on this. I mean it can be so beneficial for people with organ disorder, but then there is the ethics issue. I mean the clone would basically just be scrape metal to you.
abortion- A woman should have the right to choose. Most times it is a better choice than adoption, because a child could be stuck in an adoptation center its entire life, and could never really live life. Although there should be some restricitions on it. I mean after about 3 months with it you should have made up yer mind, and if you dont make a decision then, there should be no going back. Late term abortion should only be used to fight for the mother's life, but that in its self brings about more questions, like what is more important; mother or child? You can see I'm very conflicted about this issue.
religion- I personal;ly dislike any kind of faith, because of my mindset I believe more in logic. But if someone wishes to worship a deity, fine by me. I just wish the relgious right should stop trying to shove their beliefs down my throat, and others. Religion should also not play part in the laws we make in America, we are a country founded without religion you know. As much as a fundies deny it, our founding fathers were atheists, agnostics, desits, and heretics.