Bored as fuck

Aug 20, 2004 08:41

Name: Eve
Age: 14.5
Hair color/style: Brown with high lights/medium-layered.
Eye color: Green/hazel
Height: 5'5"
Shoe size: 8-9
Style: Punk, skater, surfer, prep, chic, classy...

Single or taken: Taken in a way but single.
Simple or complicated: Simple to amuse but complicated to please. HAHA
MTV or BET: MTV (but only for their shows)
The OC or One Tree Hill" I'm the real fuckin' OC thank you very much. Screw TV shows.
Silver or gold: Silver
Black or white: White
Taller partner or shorter: Taller is preffered but shorter but a little bit is cool too.
Hot or cold: Hot
Sun or moon light: Sun light with friends, moon light for romance.
Watch sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Hot fling or lifelong friends: Life long fling?? HAHA
Kids or no kids: Kids
Newspaper or magazine: Magazine
Concerts or movies: Concerts

Friend: Brittney Konfarah.
Car: Any hot muscle car.
Screen name: EEVEE and a bunch of numbers
Funeral: My great-uncles.
Wedding. My mom's friends, Flow & Sam.
Pets: Gittle, the bitch died at 22.
Piercing/Tattoo: My ears/For my 15th birthday if I please!!
Credit Card: Visa
Boyfriend: Nikko from Michigan.
Kiss: Justin in Michigan
Serious relationship: Jake Johnson
Cell phone: 5th grade
Crush: Tom Cruise
Place you lived: New York

CD you bought: Van Halen Greatest Hits
Artist/Band you listened to: Taking Back Sunday
Movie you bought: Night at the Roxbury
Movie you saw: 13 Going on 30
Person you visited: My Aunt Susan and my grandparents
Car ride: From Atlanta to Easly with my dad this morning
Plane ride: Last night/this morning. Damn the red eyes
Good cry: A few days ago. Self confidence issues
Crush: Justin from Tyranis
Food you ate: Eggs and fruit
Drink you had: A chi tea with a shot of hazel frappichino from Starbucks
Phone Call: Last night with Adam before I got on the plane
Item bought: Starbucks
Website visited: Yahoo!
Words you said: "Dad's crashin'"
Song you sang: "Inside Out" by Yellowcard
Time you showered: When I got to my grandparents
Hair cut: Mid-July

Is in your CD player: Fallout Boy
Song is in your head: "The Greatest Fall" by Matchbook Romance
Color socks are you wearing: I'm not wearing socks
Color undies do you have on: Black with pink lace and glitter
Is under your bed: Nothin' just air and carpet
Time did you wake up: 3:30AM. Living off of 2 hourse of sleep is fun!
Do you want to do for a career: Become a fashion designer
Is on your mind alot: Adam, what I'm wearing/doing tomorrow/today, what do people think of me...
Is your favorite drink: N/A-Watermelon smoothie from BagleMe! A-Berryita.
Is your favorite snack food: Bread and butter.. Mmm... Carbs...
Are your dreams: Becoming famous, my wedding, my future really.
Is your biggest fear: Needles and insects.
Is your biggest insecurity: My looks
Do you like to do: Surf, play beach volleyball, skate, shopping, kiss, travel...

Is your best friend: Adam C.
Is your biggest enemy: Most of the cheerleaders especially Bree McCartney. Plus, Hannah White.
Have you know the longest: Christine Allen
Makes you laugh: Adam, Justin, Adam & Sam, my dad, myself, Jason..
Is the shyest: Frank
Is the loudest: Christine Allen
Is most likely to cure cancer: Ruba
Is most likely to become famous: Adam and Justin and the crew.
Is most likely to be pumping your gas: Tyler Gold that fuckin' bastard.
Is most likely to be caught in the sack: JORDAN!!! HAHA
Is the hottest: Justin and Adam
Has the most annoying laugh: My grandpa.
Do you hang out with the most: Adam and the "crew"
Do you wish you could hang out with: People from Canyon but something about them just sets me apart from all of them.
Do you trust the most: Adam C, Kyle, Adam & Sam
Keeps a good secret: Bekah
Has had enough of this stupid quiz: ME!!

Enjoy! It's kinda like Harmony's but I added and took out a few things.

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