hmm, I had nothing to write about, and then I was conviently tagged by Kay-tee to do this surveyy thing, so here it isss
1. honestly, are you in love right now??
I wouldn't know
2. honestly, what color underwear are you wearing?
3. honestly, whats on your mind right now?
Bannans in Pajamas
4. honestly, what are you doing right now?
Listening to Gym Class Heroes (quite a switch from the new UnderOATH) and talking to Becky
5. honestly, what did you do today?
Bought some hella icky flavored water, umm, watched Grounded For Life and Gilmore Girls, word. I forget the rest haha.
6. honestly, do you think you are attractive?
Cutest kid in the world right hurr
7. honestly, have you done something bad today?
8. honestly, do you watch disney channel?
If they still mad iLL original movies like Johnny Tsunami and Brink!
9. honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
I get very jealous over stupid things haha.
10. honestly, who/what makes you happy most of the time?
Not much lately v.v, besides rocking with thee band
11.honestly, do you have to pee right now?
12. honestly, do you own a pair of overalls?
I wish.
13. honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?
Oh my, soo many people. Some of my friends. Santa Claus, God, Chris Connley, A Bannana In Pajamas
14. honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
yeah. Pretty much.
15. honestly, do you hate someone right now?
16. honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now?
17. honestly, do your wrists hurt?
How odd of a question, yet THEY DO! From this stupid desk.
18. honestly are you in denial?
I would probally deny it.
19. honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?
would a Bannana In Pajamas be involved?
20. honestly, do you like someone?
Not sure
21. honestly, does anyone like you?
Besides everyone? No.
22. honestly, do you know what's going to happen?
I'll probally die towards the end of my life.
23. honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly?
No, I'm a liar.
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Irish
2. Asian
Two Things That Scare You
1. Creepy Crawlers (IE: Spiders, Centipedes)
2. Ghosts
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. iLL music
2. my bag
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Between Home And Serenity shirt
2. Some shorts? I just got a shower haha.
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You in a guy
1. Oh my!
2. I'll never tell
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You on a girl
1. Fun
2. Cute
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. To always be rocking with a band
2. To travel the world with that band melting faces
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. I wonder how awesome I can be
2. Maybe I should change the way I live
Two people I would like to see take this quiz
1. YOU
2. YOU
Two people I haven't talked to in a while
1. I don't know haha
2. myself!